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General health

Mouth ulcers - every couple of days I get a new one - help!

45 replies

Weathermania · 04/05/2019 17:15

I’m going through a spell of literally every couple of days I get an ulcer on my tongue (usually on the edge but sometimes underneath). They are really starting to get me down. Any ideas on why I’m getting them or what I can do to stop it? I’m getting enough variety in my diet and take vitamin B and D tablets daily.

Ulcer treatments aren’t really effective on your tongue so any ideas gratefully received!

OP posts:
Thefemalekeithrichards · 04/05/2019 20:21

Peroxyl. Magical stuff

KatyMac · 04/05/2019 20:34

Saw the oral health clinic at the hospital and they thought low Zinc did it

But to be fair I was also low in Iron, B12 & D!!

Weathermania · 05/05/2019 03:07

Thanks all. Definitely not iron deficient as I went to give blood recently and they check before you are allowed to donate (didn’t actually donate in the end as there was something on my form GP needed to sign off on first).

I’m already taking Vitamin B and Vitamin D daily so don’t think it will be those, didn’t know about Zinc though. I’m definitely going to try some of the treatments suggested. Thanks again Flowers

OP posts:
edsheeranpaidmoretaxthanccola · 05/05/2019 04:49

You need to get your B12 checked even if your iron levels are fine.

DragonMamma · 05/05/2019 09:46

You still need to get your B12 checked. If you’re deficient or have PA then supplements are unlikely to work. The tablets tend to be fine if you’re deficient because of diet restrictions (such as being veggie).

TeacupDrama · 05/05/2019 09:55

retired dentist here
recurrent mouth ulcers ie more than 1 at a time over at least 3 months
genuine mouth ulcers last 7-10 days and heal without scarring
causes, there is no real cure you can relieve symptoms or get rid of the cause which can be easier said than done

  1. Vit B12 and iron deficiencies
  2. in some people they are related to menstrual cycle so keep a diary
  3. allergies difficult to test for
  4. stress like some people get stomach ulcers
  5. if they are in the same place on edge of tongue to you have a rough edge on a filling or a tiny fracture of enamel in adjacent teeth
  6. very occasionally symptomatic of wider systemic disease

difflam spray can help with symptom relief, avoid very salty foods like crisps ( which aggravate them)
youlemming · 05/05/2019 17:11

My sister used to suffer with mouth ulcers and was advised to take zinc supplements and after a couple of months taking it daily they stopped

Wheresmyvagina · 05/05/2019 17:13

I used to be like you and switched to SLS free toothpaste (most sensodyne are) and it made an immediate difference

TheQueef · 05/05/2019 17:15

Do you drink fizzy drinks?
An ex suffered terribly but a side effect of quitting pop was the ulcers going away.

Weathermania · 06/05/2019 11:10

I don’t drink fizzy drinks so can’t be that.
I’ve bought some sensodyne toothpaste to try. I’ll get some zinc supplements to try too.

I don’t think it’s from a tooth, I do have a slightly sharp one but my ulcers aren’t always in the same place (although are often in the place where the tooth would impact).

So many things to try - problem with trying them all at once is I won’t know which one solves it! Grin

OP posts:
Athousandstars04 · 06/05/2019 11:15

My husband used to get them regularly until we switched to an SLS free toothpaste and now he gets one probably every few months. We use sensodyne

AlunWynsKnee · 06/05/2019 18:16

I've bought Sensodyne for dd too. She doesn't drink fizzy drinks and I've had her on multivitamins so we shall see if it does the trick for her. She does react to plasters and lots of shampoos so it's possible it's the SLS.

TulipStream · 09/05/2019 23:05

I used to get ulcers every couple of days until I switched to a non foaming toothpaste.

I used to use cosodyl for years and it stopped me getting them (takes a few days to get used to the taste). I switched back to regular toothpaste a while ago after using that for years and still don't suffer with them anymore

Raindropsonroses27 · 09/05/2019 23:08

I suffer with them terribly. Not only are they painful when eating and talking but they give me chronic headache, earache (if close to the ear like upper inside cheek) and fatigue. They make me feel so down and unwell. I just medicate with mouthwash and painkillers until they clear up. Bloody miserable though. I always get them when run down or stressed.

UnderTheSeaWithMe · 09/05/2019 23:24

Take llysine.

Drogosnextwife · 09/05/2019 23:26

I can't use whitening toothpastes because they give me terrible ulcers. I still get them quite a lot. I remember I had a cluster of tiny ones in my toungu that were extremely painful. The dentist told me that eating a lot of tomatoes, or tomato based foods can cause them.

Chocmallows · 09/05/2019 23:27

Vitamin C with zinc.
Cheap and available in vitamin area in most pharmacies.

ImaLumberJack · 10/05/2019 02:55

I had this problem for years. Found that L-lysine helps to some degree. Moved to a sunny country - much less of a problem. Moved back to England - even worse. Moved sunnier again, not a problem since. So, I'm guessing in my case it was vitamin D?

ChilliScallops · 10/05/2019 03:00

I started getting them when peri menopause started. My gums were so sore too. Found that it was due to hormones going up and day.

WobniarRewolf · 10/05/2019 03:48

I've had them really badly since I was five.

You can get hydrocortisone tablets from Boots - they ordered them in for me - which I find really helpful when I get a bad outbreak or if I have a particularly nasty ulcer in an awkward place:

I used to have them prescribed for me by my dentist when I was a child. I told my dentist that I'd bought them last time I saw him and he offered to prescribe them if I needed them - maybe something like that could be worth a try?

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