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General health

Question for those who have gallstones/gall bladder problems?

32 replies

BettySpaghetti · 17/07/2007 12:15

About 6 months ago I had what was probably gallstone/gall bladder problem. Typical symptoms of extreme pain under ribs, around right hand side etc.

I never saw a doctor as we were snowed in at the time but did talk to my GP over the phone and he said he thought it was likely thats what it was. Anyway it cleared up so never followed it up.

Thing is, today I've got this ache in my mid-back and under my ribs. Its not a pain (yet?) but a bit of an ache, similar to pre-period type niggles (only I don't have them due to pill).

For the life of me I can't remember how the problems I had 6 months ago started.

Am I about to experience another episode? Is this how it starts in your experience?


OP posts:
orangehead · 20/07/2007 23:36

had 1st attack about 8 mnth ago alot of pain 1 evening then next day brought up blood really panicked as have stomach prob which i had operated on a few yrs ago so thought prob reoccuring but with description of pain doc said prob gallbadder and was. Tried fat free diet and had no attacks since. But recently had stressful couples of months and eating has been terrible and I have really suffered 4 it. When I do have something fatty now as occassional treat its seems worse than when I cut it out

tortoise · 20/07/2007 23:38

I am down from 16 to 14 in jeans. Really pleased with that.

Orangehead Sorry you have had problems too. Are you wating for the operation?

orangehead · 21/07/2007 00:03

referred me 2 surgeon but they said if diet is controlling they will try and leave it but 2 ring his secretary if it gets worse

sassygirl33 · 22/07/2007 11:19

hi all
coming over from another thread

BettySpaghetti · 22/07/2007 11:40

welcome sassygirl -I'm amazed at how many of us suffer from this!

I'm fairly new to it -last week was only my second attack. Not as painful as the first one but niggled for days which really put me off eating so I've lost a couple of kilos.

Last night however I gave in and had a take-away curry -it was gorgeous and thankfully had no after effects .

Still a bit wary about what I'm eating though despite being fairly healthy most of the time.

OP posts:
tortoise · 22/07/2007 12:35

support thread

sassygirl33 · 22/07/2007 14:22


I find that it doesn't always make a difference what I eat I am just fed up with it all now

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