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General health

Hand spasms blurred vision and weakness

2 replies

mrsdarcey78 · 13/06/2018 02:21

Hi I had a mri 2 years ago due to various symptoms and they didn't find anything apart from a benign cyst. Fast forward two years and still got symptoms getting worse now, blurred vision, eye pain, colour fading, pins and needles, weakness, fatigue, bladder issues, and more. I went to optician Friday who said my eye sight is 100% perfect. He said it's more a neurological issue. Yesterday I went to make a cup of tea and my left hand spasms really bad and it flew upwards as I went to get the teabags and smacked into the boiler that is above the kettle. It hit the metal boiler pretty hard left bruises. That hasn't happened before. Had anyone had this and can you suggest a specialist I can go and see?. They didn't do a spinal mri or lumbar puncture. And they couldn't do a metal scan in the brain as I was too distressed to have it done back in 2016. X

OP posts:
Bluesheep8 · 14/06/2018 06:10

It definitely sounds neurological. I would see gp who should automatically refer you based on those symptoms, without you even asking iyswim. It could be any number of things so try not to worry in the meantime. Best wishes

swingofthings · 13/06/2018 17:21

Hi mrsdarcey. I haven't experienced what you've described but I can understand it must have been very scary.

It does sound that your symptoms warrants a referral to a neurologist. Do you mind sharing your age? I know that the menopause can cause very odd neurological symptoms, especially when mixed with high level of stress as can other deficiencies such as Vitamin B12.

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