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Has anyone used a 'Squatty potty' (or similar)?

15 replies

happyreds · 20/02/2018 15:39

I saw an advert for one of these recently and it makes sense that it healthier for us to be in a more squat position while on the toilet. However, these just seem to lift the knees up, and so i'm wondering if people have had much success with them and woould you recommend them? I'm also wondering whether I could get the same benefit from just using an ikea footstool. Thanks!

OP posts:
HotCrossBunFight · 23/02/2018 08:54

When I was pregnant and struggling I used an Ikea footstool. Definitely helped.

Jinglebells99 · 23/02/2018 08:40

Whe I was on holiday in Zell am See, ( poplular as a holiday with people from Middle East) all the toilets had signs in them asking people not to squat on the toilets. I think it was breaking the toilets.

LoniceraJaponica · 23/02/2018 08:36

Interestingly, when DD and I were doing university open days, the loos in some of the universities had notices in them asking people not to squat on the seats.

Pannalash · 23/02/2018 08:12

Crikey some of those squatting pictures look a bit extreme, surely you would need to be an Olympic Athlete to perform them - I'd most likely topple off and do myself a mischief with the added shame of being carted off by the paramedics with my pants round my ankles Grin.

Although in all seriousness I do agree that raising your feet can be a good idea.

Whatcanido13 · 22/02/2018 23:38

The squatty potty changed my life. Makes fully emptying so easy, no straining, can be stored right under the loo. Western society is absolutely doing it all wrong. I would defo recommend (tho cheaper alternatives do just the same I’m sure!)

Melamin · 21/02/2018 13:30

Squatty potty is expensive. It puts your feet in the right position. Look at the picture, then use a stool with your feet in the right place.

I used two plastic storage boxes, one for each foot. I have given up now as my loo is fairly low (and they got really dusty and a nuisance to clean and climb over), but am careful about position.

happyreds · 20/02/2018 23:16

The Lillipad one :D! DH and I very chilled out about being in the bathroom while the other one is using the loo....but this might be a step too far :D

OP posts:
happyreds · 20/02/2018 23:12

Thank you - I think we'll go for a cheaper alternative then.

Yep, Spaghetti, when I was in South East Asia most of the toilets were squat toilets, but the few western style ones all had shoe prints on them!

OP posts:
RadioDorothy · 20/02/2018 22:22

I used one for a while, after a 9 week bowel infection left me with terrible cramping and discomfort at every visit to the throne. It was very helpful and does rather give a feeling of...complete satisfaction.

Had to give it up when we moved, no space for it. A stool would work just as well.

nomorespaghetti · 20/02/2018 22:03

We've got one, a cheaper alternative to a squatty potty, and it's great! You could just use a stool, but what i like about this one is that it fits around the toilet so can be pushed back when you're not using it to save space. I was chatting to my friend about it at the weekend, she said she often squats on the toilet seat Grin lots of South East Asian girls at my old work did too, and there were always footprints on the toilet seats! However you achieve it, squatting is better for you!

PersianCatLady · 20/02/2018 21:57

Not so much unhealthy but if you sit then you need to push the shit around a bend, if you squat it just slides straight out
OK, I think you might have a point there!!

ItsAllGoingToBeFine · 20/02/2018 20:58

I should add that yes it just lifts the knees, if you are reasonably light and well balanced you can just squat on the toilet (not to wee!) or you can buy squatting frames to convert into a squat toilet. Eg

ItsAllGoingToBeFine · 20/02/2018 20:56

I use a stepstool as the squatty potty is really expensive. However if you can afford it, go for it, it puts you in a much better position.

Have we all been shitting in an unhealthy way until now??

Not so much unhealthy but if you sit then you need to push the shit around a bend, if you squat it just slides straight out

NaiceToMeetYou · 20/02/2018 20:51

Just use a stool, exact same effect.

PersianCatLady · 20/02/2018 20:50

Sorry, healthier how??

Have we all been shitting in an unhealthy way until now??

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