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General health

Cannabis Oil

11 replies

user1498320065 · 02/12/2017 23:14

My lovely friend has stage 4 cancer.
She's been advised that cannabis Oil would be good for her but how do you get this given it's illegal?

OP posts:
EllenRipley · 06/12/2017 12:46

@dahliaaa you're welcome, best wishes to you and your husband. I'd def recommend that Facebook group, I've officially joined and it looks like you'll get lots of useful info.
Thanks @maxthemartian!
Does 1ml p/d seem like a low dose to you? I'm thinking that's all I could afford anyway, I can make one £80 bottle last a month that way! Didn't realise there was such a complex world of CBD oil out there...

dahliaaa · 06/12/2017 00:08

Thanks for all the info Ellen

maxthemartian · 05/12/2017 16:54

@EllenRipley it may take a few days to get added as they get a lot of requests but it's a fantastic resource.

In terms of dosage, advice is always to start low and slow although unfortunately there's no real consistency across the products so it's figuring out what that is!
It takes a few weeks to wake your endocannabinoid system up and going in with too high an initial dose can produce converse results, anyone starting out you'll want to work up to where you feel relief and then stick to that.

EllenRipley · 05/12/2017 16:20

Ah just saw what you said about your DH, sorry to hear that. I've asked to join the CBD Facebook group that someone mentioned so I'm hoping I can ask those in the know. It's worth a bit of research @dahliaaa x

EllenRipley · 05/12/2017 16:18

I got a 30ml bottle/1200mg for my dad from a company called Flora Fusions. My friend takes 1ml of that a day. I'm a bit confused about dosage tbh, was thinking of giving it a try myself for general health but I've no idea where to start!

dahliaaa · 05/12/2017 14:57

(DH has advanced PC and I'm just starting to look at oil as possibility )

dahliaaa · 05/12/2017 14:56

Ellen have you bought a specific one for you dad ?

Bloomed · 04/12/2017 12:59

What kinds of strengths should be used for cancer?

Redisthemagicolour · 04/12/2017 12:43


This stuff is amazing. Someone in my house has it to control epileptic seizures.

You can actually buy t in Holland and Barrett although that we will a weaker version.

It's worth a try. It can't do any harm and it's not illegal.

EllenRipley · 04/12/2017 12:33

CBD oil isn't illegal, it has no or very low levels of THC which is the psychoactive part of cannabis. My friend has been using it for inoperable bladder cancer, oncologist is astonished at how much his tumour has shrunk, even with chemo, to the extent that they now think they can cure it. He's convinced it's down to the oil. I've just bought some for my dad who has prostate cancer from a lab called Flora Fusions. There's several reputable CBD oil manufacturers in the UK. I'm so sorry to hear about your friend. The oil is definitely worth trying.

maxthemartian · 03/12/2017 14:33

It's not illegal as it's made from strains of cannabis with very low THC so they are classified as hemp.
She can order from CBD Brothers in the UK. Tell her to explain what she wants it for and ask for samples which they are generous with.
If she joins the Facebook group CBD Consumer Group UK/EU she will get some excellent advice.
I am sorry she is so ill.

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