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General health


4 replies

MissElleAneous · 10/04/2007 10:55

I've changed my name for this as I am slightly embarrassed.

I've not talked to anyone about this before but I am intrigued to know whether this is common practice. I thought it was only for people who suffered frequent bouts of thrush. Is it necessary if your healthy up there?

OP posts:
MissElleAneous · 10/04/2007 11:06

Thanks for responding.
Yes, I agree soupdragon, I thought I'd read somewhere that the vagina was self cleansing and that douching wasn't necessary.

I'm glad that I'm "normal" then!

OP posts:
hunkermunker · 10/04/2007 10:58

No need.

There was a funny thread ages ago about how much of one's vulva to wash, with soap or what and some interesting practices emerged, shall we say?

Can't be arsed to search for it though

MrsBadger · 10/04/2007 10:57

It's not only unnecessary, it's positively harmful.
There are much betetr ways to treat recurrent bouts of thrush.

Don't do it.

SoupDragon · 10/04/2007 10:57

It's not necessary as the vagina is self-cleaning. Mucking about with it messes up the natural balance. Generally speaking.

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