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General health

Would you get this checked

3 replies

icequeenxox · 06/10/2017 23:55

Hi, looking for some insight as DP and I are currently in an argument over my current state of health. I hate wasting time and feel that my ailments are relatively minor compared to other people but he thinks they're really worrying.

I've had a weird mix of issues that have gradually got more constant over the last year. I have swollen lymph nodes, constant phlegm and occasional throat pain. More recently a rash has started to develop on my neck. Less occasionally I've been getting chest pain when I breathe in. I don't track my weight but DP thinks I have lost a lot, my clothes are really loose on me now everywhere apart from my tummy which seems to bloat at the bottom. I just feel shattered all the time but I'm still able to get up and go to work etc so I feel like I'd be wasting other people's time

DP thinks these are really worrying symptoms and that I'm in denial but I really don't know. I can't work out if they're drone or maybe I've just got used to it

OP posts:
icequeenxox · 07/10/2017 00:43

It's probably worth mentioning that I did see a GP about a year ago when the swollen lymph nodes & tiredness were the only issues. I was referred for a scan of my neck but they had gone down by that day (typical). I'll definitely have a look at when I can get an appt xx

OP posts:
SerendipityFelix · 07/10/2017 00:01

Unexplained weight loss, bloated abdomen and enlarged lymph nodes - I’d definitely say see your GP, urgently.

colouringinagain · 07/10/2017 00:00

Hi icequeen yes think I probably would. One of these symptoms on their own, not so much, but swollen lymph nodes, fatigue and weight loss together do ring alarm bells for me.

Get checked out and let the doc decide.

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