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General health

prednisolone steroids

11 replies

allieBongo · 04/04/2007 07:42

does anyone else find that these cause your dc's to become vile rather than hyperactive?

OP posts:
allieBongo · 04/04/2007 09:39

i must be the lucky one i'm just glad she is on the mend at last

OP posts:
NuttyMuffins · 04/04/2007 09:21

It's been a while since Dd2 had them, but I can't remember any mood swings.

twentypence · 04/04/2007 09:19

Ds gets teary and then cross because he can't get hold of his emotions and then takes himself off to his room. He then emerges some time later looking quite bemused.

april74 · 04/04/2007 09:17

my dh has to take them from time to time, starts on 40 mg and then every week decreases by 5 mg, mood swings come with them and can be unreasonable from time to time, it doesn't last long (luckily)

brimfull · 04/04/2007 08:57

My ds has been on them quite a few times,I was always expecting the hyper behaviour but it never seemed to affect him .
I was on them last month for asthma and was hoping for some renewed energy...nothing changed sadly.

Chandra · 04/04/2007 08:54

DS had them a few weeks ago and he was, definitively, more challenging.

allieBongo · 04/04/2007 08:49

she is 2.2 and like a stroppy 13 year old. Has been on 20mg for 5 days. last day today, thankfully

OP posts:
mankyscotslass · 04/04/2007 08:37

Mum is on 40mg of predisnolone daily at the moment. She definetely gets depressed and has mood swings. When they reduce the steroids the moodswings are better, but the pain is not controlled, so until they can balance it we are coping....

LucyJu · 04/04/2007 08:27

My dh has to take prednislone from time to time. Agressive mood swings and depression are recognised side-effects, although thankfully dh doesn't seem to get too affected in that way.

misdee · 04/04/2007 08:19

no. dd1 is always sleepy for days after a bad attack.

alibobins · 04/04/2007 07:54

Ds is only 2.3 so never really noticed.

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