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Painful insect bites with photo

18 replies

Mummamayhem · 21/07/2017 20:39

Should I worry? Very tight and sore feeling, ankle is quite swollen after days!

Painful insect bites with photo
OP posts:
lljkk · 22/07/2017 07:13

Pharmacist. I can't tell from pic what OP needs, but pharmacist will know if they can help.

flumpybear · 22/07/2017 06:40

Use antihistamine cream. If that fails after a few doses then see your GP

canyou · 22/07/2017 06:19

I react like that to horse fly bites. I usually need steroids and antihistimine. They seem to be around and nasty very early this year

StorminaBcup · 22/07/2017 05:52

Trip to the doctors or pharmacist for you I think. They look really nasty.

SadSongsAndWaltzes · 22/07/2017 05:49

I agree with drawing round the widest red area to watch for spreading. I'd go to A&E if you can't get out of hours GP today. And yes, if you have a high temperature, A&E immediately.

Maryz · 22/07/2017 01:18

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Maryz · 22/07/2017 01:17

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shewolfmum · 22/07/2017 01:05

I get this...developed bad inflamation. Plantain grows everywhere...and homeopathic apis sorted it quickly.

SadSongsAndWaltzes · 22/07/2017 00:47

By tomorrow I mean Saturday (technically today!)

SadSongsAndWaltzes · 22/07/2017 00:29

Ouch, that looks sore! I'd definitely get that looked at by a GP, it looks like you need antibiotics. Tomorrow if possible.

Witchend · 22/07/2017 00:26

I got antibiotics when my leg looked like that. Couldn't even get a shoe on!

lazycrazyhazy · 21/07/2017 23:55

Much sympathy by the way, it's horrible.

lazycrazyhazy · 21/07/2017 23:54

I react like that to almost any bite or sting and it gets worse and worse for up to a few weeks. The only things which help me are anti-histamine tablets and (less so) creams. Also hydro-cortisone cream. Basically it's an allergy. As long as you haven't been bitten by something exotic. I would see GP but unless the latter I think they'll prescribe allergy treatment.

MrsEricBana · 21/07/2017 22:01

I'd ask pharmacist as first port of call.

pinkcarnations · 21/07/2017 20:49

If they're getting worse after a week I think I'd get it looked at, could be infected Sad

Mummamayhem · 21/07/2017 20:45

Yeah that's worrying me a bit. Bites were over a week ago but I woke in pain a couple of days ago and it's not going down.

OP posts:
pinkcarnations · 21/07/2017 20:45

My daughter gets this reaction from horse fly bites. We use afterbite on them and piriton / ibuprofen for the itching and swelling. If you draw a line in biro around the outline then you can see if it's getting worse. If so, a trip to the docs for antibiotics might be in order.

Flamingosarepink · 21/07/2017 20:41

Crikey. Thay red area around the bite on your calf looks huge. Is it spreading?
I think i would seek medical advice with the swelling as well.

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