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General health

2 days to get well! Share your amazing cures with me please!

4 replies

u32ng · 29/03/2017 08:14

Off for a girls weekend on sat morning but am off work feeling pretty yuk. Sickly and exhausted. Need to nip this in the bud asap. What can I do?

So far my plan is: rest rest

  1. Drink water

Contemplating making a garlicky broth to drink as my mum swears by garlic to blast any bugs.

Other ideas very welcome! I MUST be well for saturday!! It's been 5 months in the planning Sad
OP posts:
Fauxgina · 30/03/2017 13:58

Have a curry tonight - freshly made, lots of flavour with ginger and onion etc. Works for us but only as we're already on the mend (wouldn't want one when truly poorly!)

LiveLifeWithPassion · 30/03/2017 13:45

Combine your garlicky broth with ginger and chicken and make a medicinal chicken soup.
Lots of water.

Weebleswobbles · 30/03/2017 13:41

Go to wagamamas and consume a vegetable ramen with 2 x super green drinks on the side

Get home

Make yourself multiple whisky+honey+lemon juice+hot water drinks

Go to bed early with olbas oil

hairymuffet · 30/03/2017 13:36

Hope you're feeling better!

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