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General health


36 replies

chocolatekimmy · 26/02/2007 20:29

Incredible - poor boy.

The mum needs serious education about his health, she is an unfit mother in terms of his nutrition/general health.

And the smoking, the least she could do is smoke outside. She even had a fag in her mouth whilst cooking - Filthy.

OP posts:
Nemo2007 · 27/02/2007 16:06

is this the family who were on the news about boy possibly going into care?

DizzyBint · 27/02/2007 16:10

is this family being paid for all these interviews and tv shows they keep doing? i think it's awful how they're parading him about like this. they didn't need to to get help for him surely? i saw him on one show in nothing but his underpants with his gran struggling to get his socks on him. i just think what a poor boy, how incredibly degrading for him.

quietmouse · 27/02/2007 16:12

and her telling all the world, he has trouble washing his 'little bits'

BLWisbest · 27/02/2007 16:15

The mum definatley has her own issues and was very obviously struggling.
It didnt really touch on what help she was recieving but she must have admitted that she had depression or they wouldn't have said so.
Really she should be offered some sort of help at home.

she isnt helping her son one bit. They said they won't put locks on the fridges, which to me seems ridiculous. The programme said he would steal food like biscuits and chocolate and hoard it. Why is it being bought to start with?
And the sister commented later about how his favourite food atm is curries. WHY BUY THEM!

They must know how big he was getting and that it wasnt right for him to be like that.

Sugarmagnolia · 27/02/2007 18:51

I felt sorry for the mum and the boy and a lot of admiration for the granmda for doing what she can for them - I can't imagine what things would be like if she wasn't around. I wonder how long the mum's been like that because the older sister was quite articulate and sensible. And although I was disgusted by what she fed him (and by house being full of crips and chocolate and by the state of the house...) I did wonder if there was something medically wrong with him as well. Did you not hear them say he's 5'1"? That's taller than me! Yes, he's grossly overweight but surely 5'1" is also off the scale for an 8 year old?

lizziemun · 27/02/2007 19:58


Have read bbc text tonight that they have decided that he will stay with the family for now, but is under a child protection order.

gemmiegoatlegs · 27/02/2007 20:06

i didn't think they would remove him from his family as the focus is always on keeping families together, however dysfunctional they are. As for the eating, i totally agree with everyone who has said STOP BUYING THE CRISPS AND LARD. Of course you can't control every bit of food that passes your child's lips but we are the adults. We do the shopping. We have the money. An 8 year old can't realistically pop out for a kebab every night unless someone else permits and pays for it. As parents we have a duty to do our best for our kids in every respect.

quietmouse · 27/02/2007 20:15

that's probably the best outcome atm for everybody. Lets hope the family can now get their act together for Connor's sake

lisad123 · 27/02/2007 20:20

I dont think 5foot 1 is too tall for a 8 year old. Im 5foot and the kids I used to work with loved saying they were nearly as, or were taller than me. It is a little on tal side, but not off scale.


starj · 27/02/2007 20:40

On BBC breakfast this morning they said that the mother claimed they had a family intolerance to fruit and vegetables!!!

brandy7 · 27/02/2007 22:59

thanks lizziemum

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