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General health

mucusy cough/throat for 3 weeks in 4 month old

5 replies

llareggub · 24/02/2007 23:25

Should I be worried about ds mucusy cough? He doesn;t seem overly bothered by it but it has hung around for 3 weeks now.

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themildmanneredjanitor · 25/02/2007 10:53

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llareggub · 24/02/2007 23:32

god, you've got me worried now...

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themildmanneredjanitor · 24/02/2007 23:29

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llareggub · 24/02/2007 23:26

Oh, I did see the doctor about it three weeks ago at the baby clinic, and he didn't prescribe anything. But it's still there and he is only 4 months old...

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themildmanneredjanitor · 24/02/2007 23:25

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