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General health

Piles (TMI!) and surgery options - in agony!

6 replies

OhWhatAPalaver · 02/01/2017 01:00

I can't take it anymore, since having dd2 6 months ago I've had problems with piles. They are internal and external and they are so painful and bleed loads :( I feel I really need to get the external ones removed in some way, has anyone had banding or one of the other surgical options to get rid of them? I've heard some procedures cause more harm than good so I've put it off for ages but I'm going to the gp Tues to get referred as I've had enough. Can't cope with the pain any longer!
I've had them for ages but they've never been so bad as this. It seems the last pregnancy made them so much worse.
Would be very interested to hear about people's experiences with surgical options. I've been using scheriproct for when they're bad but don't want to use too often with it being a steroid ointment.
Any advice greatly appreciated. TIA.

OP posts:
OhWhatAPalaver · 02/01/2017 15:12

Oh they are so painful when thrombosed.
Thanks for the info on stool softener, I'll have a look at that. I'm not bothered about the internal ones, them I can deal with, but the ones that hang down are just awful.

OP posts:
charliebear78 · 02/01/2017 10:02

i had bad piles that thrombosed after I had my son.Horrible!!
They stuck around for 6 weeks and I remember thinking they would never go away.
I was given the cream you have and didnt feel like it worked at all.
Suppositories worked much better.
Taking a stool softener for a few months is what I believe cleared mine up.
I was prescribed laxido
I have been fine now for a year and a bit

OhWhatAPalaver · 02/01/2017 01:27

Glad you've had a positive experience after surgery though roundthebend gives me hope!

OP posts:
OhWhatAPalaver · 02/01/2017 01:25

Unfortunately morphine isn't an option as I'm still breastfeeding. Just sticking with paracetamol at the moment, ibuprofen if it gets unbearable.
I keep having a few weeks where they shrink and aren't painful but then it just takes one slightly big/difficult poo than normal (sorry!) and I'm back to agony again. There so much blood as well, it's scary!

OP posts:
TheOgPog · 02/01/2017 01:12

I had this after DD2, after three visits to GP they referred me for banding but also prescribed a different cream with local anaesthetic. Before the letter for choose and book arrived the piles were so much better, now they are completely gone. Have you been to the GP for treatment? The rectal exam is unpleasant but so worth it in the long run to get rid of the piles.

RoundTheBend · 02/01/2017 01:10

I had an operation. Because of the pain, my blood pressure was through the roof and they very nearly didn't operate! I can feel your pain, I really can as it is like nothing on earth. I literally had them all surgically removed.

GOOD NEWS! After the operation, I was, and still am in Heaven. My op was about 8 years ago.

The creams they give you are not really any good for pain, I would see the GP for morphine based pain killers. That is assuming you don't have to drive and that there will be another adult around to help you with your DD.

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