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General health

Toothache making me feel dog rough

4 replies

user128057 · 25/11/2016 12:54

So as the title says I've had toothache and mouth ulcers for nearly 2 weeks now. I am taking strong painkillers but I feel really rough.

I have no energy, feel lightheaded, sick, have a headache and just want to sleep.

Is there anything I can do to make myself a little bit more normal as I have work in a few hours


OP posts:
Potatoooooo · 25/11/2016 14:41

Best to go get some antibiotics from the dentist, they won't do anything with it other than look at it, x-ray it, and then give you antibiotics. They'll then determine whether they can save the tooth or not, and you can decide what you want to do from there.

It's best to go get the antibiotics though to stop the infection from spreading.

Maudlinmaud · 25/11/2016 13:10

Clove oil on the gum to help with toothache. I would def make an appoint with your dentist as it won't go away without treatment. I had two fillings replaced on wed, it really wasn't painful. They used magic cream to numb the area before freezing.
It was over in no time.

user128057 · 25/11/2016 12:59

No I haven't been I've been putting it off I'm afraid. I have a phobia of the dentist and hate all the stuff they put in your mouth. It makes me gag.

Will definitely give the vitamins a go thank you.

OP posts:
Haggisfish · 25/11/2016 12:55

Have you been to dentist? If not, go there. Vit b.

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