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General health

Abscess or ulcer in throat

2 replies

Loungingbutnotforlong · 07/11/2016 23:39

I was at the GP today- incredibly painful sore throat, huge pus filled spots. Tonsils taken out over 30 years ago. GP said something about abscess or ulcer, that would heal itself in a week, but I didn't catch what he said. Like an idiot, I have googled it and all websites seem to say that pus filled abscesses need antibiotics and, potentially, to be drained.
Does anyone have any experience of throat abscesses or ulcers, self healing? Should be asleep, but too sore, so feeling sorry for myself.
Thank you

OP posts:
Loungingbutnotforlong · 15/11/2016 16:42

Hi- thanks for your reply. I rang back- it was ulcers! Thankfully (!) hideously painful for a week, but I am on the mend now.

OP posts:
redannie118 · 09/11/2016 17:40

If it's a abcess or a ulcer make a huge difference. I get ulcers in my throat duwith to my medication, they hurt like absolute he'll, but I just take a medicated mouth wash and antiseptic throat spray till they heal up .An abcess could be quinsy which can be a hospital job and needs instant penicillin. I'm assuming as he's not given you anything it must be ulcers , can you maybe ring the reception and ask them to check to put your mind at rest?

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