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General health

Vitamin D3

3 replies

wiltingfast · 25/09/2016 10:58

I want to supplement with vitaminD3 but am a bit confused as to dosage. Don't know my levels and don't really want the expense of testing. (Am in Ireland)

Also have read I should take vitamin k2 with it? And perhaps calcium and magnesium, at which point it all starts too seem hideously complicated and I buy nothing!

Can someone give me some sane advice? Grin

Am already on an oil based multivitamin. I have pcos so take myo inositol and alpha lipoic acid too. Not sure if that's relevant but am worried about taking too much....

The multi vitamin has only 5ug of D3 and 75ug of K1.

OP posts:
yeOldeTrout · 25/09/2016 17:51
wiltingfast · 25/09/2016 11:19

Tks a mil. this is the kind of article I've read. It's all so confusing!

OP posts:
PinkSwimGoggles · 25/09/2016 11:04

5ug is a really low amount. so taking 10 in addition is a good idea.
if you eat plenty of calcium (dairy, green veg, bony fish) you should be fine on the calcium front.

if you are prone to cramps taking extra magnesium is a good idea. if not you probably get enough in your diet.

sorry, no idea about vit k.

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