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General health

5 year old boy, pains in legs and tires easily of walking - what could it be?

8 replies

emkana · 26/01/2007 23:25

His mum is beside herself with worry that it could be something awful, like muscular dystrophy - what harmless things could it be, to help her calm down a bit?

OP posts:
meysey · 05/02/2007 12:48

Another vote here for hypermobility. My kid now has specialist insoles which have helped a lot.
We always thought he was just moaning when he complained of tired legs, but it was the first thing the specialist asked about.

chloesmumtoo · 05/02/2007 12:21

My son tired easily and had pains like this when he was small but you could see why. His feet rolled slightly inwards.Even going upstairs hurt. He has a physio even now and is 10. The excercises she gave did help very early on, can you notice any signs like that? They just blame it on him being so flexible!

controlfreaky2 · 26/01/2007 23:45


Aimsmum · 26/01/2007 23:45

Message withdrawn

pinkbubble · 26/01/2007 23:44

I agree. Even if its just to make sure!

DimpledThighs · 26/01/2007 23:40

my ds 7 complains of this a lot, even woke up crying one night. I got all worried about joint infections etc. Turned out to be growing pains and he has had an obvious spurt.

The doctor was very understaning when I went so if you are at all worried do what I did - even if it for reassurance.

pinkbubble · 26/01/2007 23:36

When I was little I too suffered from pains in my legs (big time) at first my DPs thought I was attention seeking, but after a while took me to DRs where they confirmed growing pains. I didnt want want to walk or play etc. Mind you I would still advise DF to go to DRs just to make sure.

pinkbubble · 26/01/2007 23:31

Growing pains- honestly it exists

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