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Plantar Facilitis. Please tell me it gets better

31 replies

Bubble2bubble · 07/05/2016 21:56

I have this now since before Easter. I think I am pretty good with pain, but honestly there were days I would have willingly accepted crutches had they been offered.
I bought some really good insoles which have helped, a bit.
I have only been wearing lace up boots for weeks, couldn't consider shoes.
I took anti inflammatories for a month but then thought I was slightly better and stopped ( also panicked at the thought of being on constant anti- infammatories for so long ), so am now worse than ever.
I have lost weight - OK only half a stone, but will keep going.
I am taking Curcumin, vitamin D and Omega 3
I am STILL in such crippling pain in the morning that I have to hop :(
Is there anything I can do?

OP posts:
RomComPhooey · 08/05/2016 17:46

I did the alphabet-writing exercise with my feet last night after reading this thread. I now have niggly pain in both heels. However, I'm prepared to concede schlepping around the house in flipflops over the weekend may also have contributed. I've been wearing my fitflop trainers today....

Bajanella · 08/05/2016 10:17

My GP referred me to a physiotherapist, and I was given exercises which sorted it; took about 6 weeks. That was two years ago and I've had no problems since. I still do the exercises preventatively from time to time.

Guiltypleasures001 · 07/05/2016 23:07

Op I had it for two years before orthotics I had fallen arches orthotics started to work hugely within 3 weeks

FinallyHere · 07/05/2016 22:47

My journey to a solution started with

Learned lots of other things along the way. Stretching rather than orthodontics work d well for me. Hope you find what works for you , xx

RomComPhooey · 07/05/2016 22:42

Another thing you can try is keeping a water bottle in the freezer and then using that in the evening as a foot roller - it helps with the pain as well as stretching your foot.

Bubble2bubble · 07/05/2016 22:41

Wow loads of information , thanks all :)
Not cheered up by the thought that so many of you have had it for so long, but certainly a lot more options to look into.
Glad I asked now :)

OP posts:
Tigg68 · 07/05/2016 22:36

Not lasers OP - it was a sort of pulsating/vibrating treatment done in a radiology dept in hospital; a few sessions lasting a few minutes each over several weeks. It's quite uncomfortable while it's being done as it mimics an injury which your body then tries to heal (no pun intended!) itself. Really worked for me and the pain's never returned.

Lalasworld · 07/05/2016 22:36

Totally agree with the stair stretching and pedi roller (red thiing) to roll foot over. Also what really helped for me was a STRASBOURG SOCK. same principle as the boot but much more comfortable to wear overnight. Instead of your toes pointing down when you sleep it keeps your foot more 'right angled' if that makes sense; you can adjust it so as much stretch as you can cope with. I paid around £30 but I see there is a variety on Amazon now - £16 - 30+. Really worked for me. I feel for you - it was so painful for so long! Wear it at night. I so hope you turn the corner with this!

DoreenLethal · 07/05/2016 22:34

I had it for 18 months, have had it intermittently all my adult life.

Managed to get it down this time by wearing skechers go walk shoes indoors, and decent insoles in work boots, plus oasics running shoes for running. Otherwise i would never get out of bed.

RomComPhooey · 07/05/2016 22:33

Interesting about losing weight, Twowrongs.

RomComPhooey · 07/05/2016 22:32

I am convinced wearing ballet flats started mine off.

I've had PF twice, for a longish spell (6-9mo) both times. The last time I went to a specialist podiatry clinic & they made up some custom orthotics - it really helped. Interestingly, the podiatrist said they see a lot of women later in the summer due to them wearing ballet flats over the summer months - it is a known cause of PF.

Twowrongsdontmakearight · 07/05/2016 22:31

I suffered for a couple of years, hobbling round like an old lady. I mentioned it to a podiatrist friend and said I thought it was due to my being overweight. She agreed but said it was hard to broach with people.

Anyhow I've now lost 1 1/2 stone and it's already a lot better. I've still got 2 1/2 stone to go but hopefully that will sort it.

Well done at losing half a stone so far - keep at it, it really helps.

Brandnewbrighttomorrow · 07/05/2016 22:29

Orthotics, physio and Pilates has largely resolved mine. Mine stems from pelvic instability which causes tension through the muscles in my lower back, bum cheeks and right the way down my legs to my feet. If I start to feel any tension through my feet I know I need to stretch out my glutes and hamstrings.

parmalilac · 07/05/2016 22:29

Forgot to say, agree with PP re trigger point therapy, works wonders for many things. Didn't know about it at the time I had the PF.

Lilmisskittykat · 07/05/2016 22:28

I've suffered with this for a while (October last year) daftly I didn't know what it was and assumed it was bruising so carried on until in January I struggled to walk .. At the moment I'm able to run etc but need to watch it... So for what it's worth I'll tell you how I managed...

I laid off all cardio exercise and drove to work (usually walk) took about three months of babying it X

I found Icing is great.. A water bottle frozen is best as you can roll your foot on it. (Best when it's bad or after exercise)

I bought a foot roller from Amazon and kept it under my desk at work and used that during the day

My other half is sometimes a little star and massages the arch near the heel it hurts but releases the tightness

Stretch and stretch some more I have a vibro plate machine at the gym and I honestly believe it was stretching that made things bearable. I've gone back to doing yoga too which I think really helps

I bought the boot to wear overnight but didn't rate it. Gp prescribed naproxen which really helped too

Hopefully that will help there is loads on the Internet .. I think from experience it's a thing that gets better in time no matter what you do

BeauGlacons · 07/05/2016 22:28

Orthotics help. Agree ballet flats caused min. Too many years, too much walking in. There's a great sandal with a built in orthotic now. Podiatrist told me not to wear fitflops Confused. Custom made orthotics are the thing. And exercises with an elasticcy thing. Will remember name of sandals soon.

cheerfullady · 07/05/2016 22:27

I broke my toe and had to pretty much rest for about 6 weeks. No more plantar fascitis! Probably a bit extreme for you though....Grin

parmalilac · 07/05/2016 22:27

Had this, used a wooden foot massager a lot plus stretching as varying footwear. Always use orthotic insoles (OTC ones) as I have high arches. Took about a year to get rid but no probs since. Still use foot roller for a few minutes most days.

SauvignonBlanche · 07/05/2016 22:25

Try FootAngel supports from Amazon, I slept in them and they really helped.

littlepinkseal1407 · 07/05/2016 22:23

You could try trigger point therapy or someone who does myofascial release. I had this done and it REALLY hurt but she managed to rid me of the pain in one session. She didn't just work on my foot, she also worked on knots in my calf muscles. I don't know how many good therapists there are, though, I've only ever found one that's any good.

Awks · 07/05/2016 22:21

I had it and I thought it would never go away. I wore fit flops when they first came out every day all through winter but it did help and it's gone now. The combi of fitflops, stretching and anti inflamatories worked for me. Hope its the same for you, it's grim x

CrossfireHurricane · 07/05/2016 22:21



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CrossfireHurricane · 07/05/2016 22:20

I had it for about 18 months - agony.
I noticed that it improved when I started wearing different shoes every day, some completely flat, others with a slight heel.
I am convinced wearing ballet flats started mine off.
Best of's agony Flowers

walkingtheplank · 07/05/2016 22:16

I got it in both feet in January 2014. I still have it in my left foot. I assume I'm stuck with it.

Guiltypleasures001 · 07/05/2016 22:13

Hi op

I went to a podiatrist foot doctor person, and got measure for a pair of orthotics, they push your spine back in line by pushing your foot arches back up

I had it for 2 yrs and it was agony injections worked for 15 minutes lol
Get some orthotics op I never looked back

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