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General health

Breast lump

29 replies

keepingmumfornow · 06/05/2016 20:55

Namechanged for this as have only told DH and one friend before breast clinic appointment.

So many people seem to have to go through this, and it seems it's my turn. Found a thickened area in breast last month which to me felt like a rope like area with some egg shaped swelling. Thought it had gone down with end of cycle but it came right back up again even bigger. Forced self to go to GP, which was hard as lots of other things going on at the moment. GP said she couldn't rule anything out although she thought it was unlikely to be cancerous so referred me urgently (am mid 40s).

Realised I was covered under DH's health insurance through work so managed to get an appointment privately for Tuesday. Feel quite bad about going private but am already under a lot of pressure for personal reasons and this worry just feels too much.

Any positive stories are totally welcome. I know most lumps are benign but still obviously worried. 2 cousins had BC in their 40s and my mum had it in her 60s.

Have got young dependants.

Anyway thanks for any input at all

OP posts:
fanjoforthemammaries7850 · 10/05/2016 18:00

Guess my name is quite apt

FarrowandBallAche · 10/05/2016 18:01



fanjoforthemammaries7850 · 10/05/2016 22:35

Amazing how a cancer scare makes one enjoy a life which one had found a bit wearing before < wine philosopher >

mamalloyd · 13/05/2016 21:26

Fab news Fanjo WineFlowers have a good weekend x

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