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General health

large abdominal lump

5 replies

Stickytoffeepudding123 · 28/04/2016 06:07

Have docs appointment tomorrow but getting quite upset and worried. Found large, hard lump just below belly button, probably size of plum. Not painful. Any ideas? Hernia, fibrous? I can't stop thinking it might be more sinister. I'm 43 and single mum to 10 year old dd

OP posts:
KurriKurri · 28/04/2016 15:57

Sounds like a hernia - I had one in a similar place (have you had any abdominal operations - C section or something? - you can get them near where the wound was)

Anyway - I was referred to a consultant, and had an outpatients op - a mesh repair done laparoscipally - on mine, it healed fairly quickly (you probably won't be able to drive for about 3 weeks) and has been no bother at all since (had it done about 6 years ago)

Stickytoffeepudding123 · 28/04/2016 06:45

No - very regular

OP posts:
MadauntofA · 28/04/2016 06:41

Are you constipated?

Stickytoffeepudding123 · 28/04/2016 06:31

What will they do? If it's not causing pain can it be left?

OP posts:
P1nkP0ppy · 28/04/2016 06:25

Definitely sounds like a hernia to me OP, hope GP can reassure you.

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