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Anyone else permanently on iron tablets?! Is it safe?

11 replies

nearlyovertherainbow · 11/03/2016 11:55


I've been on and off them for a few years now, due to very heavy periods.

I came off them recently, because I'd decided to really up my intake through food and also, have just started taking a multi vitamin, which contains iron. Also, because I had a blood test coming up, I wanted to see if my body was coping without the really high dose of iron tablets. Well no, is the answer. I'm back down to 8 (10-30 is normal) and I've got an appointment to see gp on Monday to discuss the results, but I know they'll suggest the mirena coil, which I REALLY don't want to have. I don't need contraception and don't like the idea of unnecessary hormones in my body. Also, the reviews are generally terrible!

I don't mind the mildly unpleasant side effects of the iron tablets, but I'm not sure how safe it is in the long run.

Does anyone know?


OP posts:
EmNetta · 13/03/2016 23:13

Thanks for that info, Ave, not something I'd heard of.

Always hope I'll do more shopping & cooking OP, but yes, for now the general vits & iron are permanent.
Sorry I don't know much more about fibroids, just that iron levels now ok again after having them removed, and certainly feeling better.

GeorgiaOQueef · 12/03/2016 16:07

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Trollicking · 12/03/2016 11:07

I've always had low iron and have taken iron oils from time to time but I really do time the side effects. At the moment I take a general vitimen pill with iron. I am dieting at the moment and using MyFitnessPal which gives you your daily iron intake - I've been shocked at how difficult it is to get anywhere close to my daily dose. I thought I ate well but I often barely scratch my iron allowance.

I presume the iron in a general vitamin pill doesn't work well enough.

lljkk · 12/03/2016 11:01

Very heavy periods every month sounds difficult, hope you can find a way to reduce.

Friend is on daily iron tablets for life due to a mild bleeding condition (genetic). He nearly died without them, so no-brainer.

AveEldon · 12/03/2016 10:47
nearlyovertherainbow · 12/03/2016 08:33

Ave, I hadn't heard of clotting factors... What is that?

Em, so are you just assuming you'll be on them indefinitely then? Every time my results cone back, my doctor suggests the mirena and when I say I would rather just take the iron, they say that it's not ideal and it's better to treat my heavy periods, rather than treat the side effects of heavy periods, which completely makes sense, don't get me wrong, but I just don't want to go down that route. So I keep taking the tablets with the idea it's temporary, but knowing that my body can't cope without them, which leaves me in a bit of a dilemma really.

I've had lots of internals and scans and they haven't found fibroids. I think they can be tricky to find though, is that right?

OP posts:
EmNetta · 11/03/2016 22:38

My diet's no longer as good as it should be, so I supplement it with a daily multi-vitamin plus iron capsule. About five years since starting, no side-effects, so I'd recommend it if necessary.

My gynae found fibroids years ago, when I was suffering heavy periods, have you asked if this could be a possibility?

Good luck getting some help.

AveEldon · 11/03/2016 14:59

Have you had your clotting factors checked?

nearlyovertherainbow · 11/03/2016 13:26

Yes, have been seen several times by a gynaecologist. Had a cervical cyst removed a few years back, but apart from that, my doctor seems to just put it down to hormones.

I have to say, each time I come off my period, I think to myself, how am I still alive?! I lose so much blood, it's ridiculous!

I'm at a bit of a loss really now.

Georgia, have you had any side effects with the mini pill? Low libido? Weight gain? I'm really worried about both of those tbh.

OP posts:
GeorgiaOQueef · 11/03/2016 12:59

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AveEldon · 11/03/2016 12:48

Have you seen a gynae to investigate your heavy periods?

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