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General health

Pneumonia - recovery time?

54 replies

WutheringFrights · 04/03/2016 23:00

I am so unbelievably bloody fed up with it now!
I was admitted to hospital five weeks ago, I've had three weeks off work and then two weeks of managing a few hours and then 'taking to my bed'.
I feel fine and then all of a sudden feel totally wiped out.
Please can you all tell me I will be better soon, I am being a rubbish mum, rubbish wife, rubbish employee and a rubbish friend I just feel like I'm letting everyone down.
Added to which I keep thinking I'm going to die because my gp thought originally it was a blood clot and scared the living whatsit out if me - I think it's still at the back of my mind.
Sorry I appear to be wallowing...I'm just so bloody frustrated!

OP posts:
Justers · 14/03/2016 20:45

I became unwell on Jan 2nd, was misdiagnosed until the 6th then was in hospital for 4 days on iv antibiotics. I had bilateral pneumonia and developed pericarditis and altered liver function due to infection. I would say I was managing just small walks at your stage but not much more than that. I went through a stage of feeling really faint when I stood up then developed breathlessness again and worried that pneumonia was coming back. I had a 5 week x-ray which was completely clear so that really cheered me up. I went back to work a few weeks ago, went in and did 2 full days and was floored, so my doctor changed my line to amended duties. I'm just working in the mornings and this is helping. However I went out with my husband this weekend for the first time, had a few drinks and a lovely meal and it has completely knocked me for six again. I'm also doing a university course at the moment which in hindsight I should of deferred. I have spoken to a few people with pneumonia and the consensus is most people starting feeling 'normal' after 6 months. So I've got a few more months to go! Mentally I feel a lot stronger at this stage but physically I'm still struggling with fatigue.

Maybeoneday123 · 15/03/2016 19:11

Hello ladies how are you feign and how was work? Im full of cold again and im going a bit crazy cos this is how i started of 6 weeks ago then it turned into pneumonia all i could get was a telephone call from doc she just said wait and see what happens so i rang hospital doctor and she reasured me and gave me her direct number if i got worried i also have gerd wich i dont think is helping im full of indegestion and I'm not sure if thats making breathing worse

Maybeoneday123 · 17/03/2016 20:19

hi im not sure what to do my temp has gone upto 39 this evening ive still got green mucous from nose and coughing alot do i sit and wait or do i ring out of hours my doc said ive probs picked up another virus this was yesterday my peakflow was 480 last week its now 400 today 390 just now im so scared its coming back or wasnt realy gone please anyone

Justers · 17/03/2016 21:01

Hi maybe, sorry to hear that you're not well again. I would phone out of hours if you're concerned. It may well be a viral infection that will settle but best to have checked. Have you had a follow up X-ray yet? I know how frightening it is when you get a fever again after having had pneumonia, I was the same and freaking out- luckily was just a 24hr illness. If you're worried-phone- that's what they are there for. Take care xx

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