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General health

IBS? something else?

8 replies

Pyjamaramadrama · 19/02/2016 21:20

I'm so fed up of it. For years I've had regular stomach aches and diarrhoea. Really bad, wake me up and keep me awake all night, strong cramps and horrible diarrhoea leaving me feeling weak and exhausted afterwards.

I can eat something and literally within half an hour have to run to the toilet, other times it comes on in the middle of the night and I'm on the toilet then for up to 2 hours.

I've started to connect it mostly to my menstrual cycle, it's usually but not always in the run up to or during my time of the month.

I also get strong stomach pain and what feels like trapped wind not connected to time of the month.

I'm so fed up with it, right now I've had a horrible stomach ache since last night but I feel weak and tired with it. Didn't sleep well as was so uncomfortable. It's only been a week since I had a bad stomach upset.

Sometimes I don't want to do things for example I've got a family meal tomorrow, but I can hardly say I don't want to go as I feel unwell with trapped wind, and I'm worried the food will set it off.

Is it even worth going to the doctors about something like this?

OP posts:
saveforthat · 20/02/2016 19:37

I have diverticulitis the symptoms are very similar to what you describe

gunting · 20/02/2016 09:20

I get hormonal ibs. Most of the time im fine and no problems but around my menstrual cycle and especially after my son was born I have terrible ibs attacks so I think there could be something in your theory.

JonSnowKnowsNowt · 20/02/2016 09:19

You should have a.coeliac test

AttilaTheMeerkat · 20/02/2016 09:11

"I've started to connect it mostly to my menstrual cycle, it's usually but not always in the run up to or during my time of the month.

I also get strong stomach pain and what feels like trapped wind not connected to time of the month".

I thought of endometriosis when I read that, particularly in relation to your first paragraph.

Whatever the cause (and endo can sometimes be misdiagnosed as IBS) I would keep a daily pain and symptom diary if you do not already do this and insist on being referred. Go see the GP and if they are not helpful ask at that time for a referral to a gynaecologist.

icklekid · 19/02/2016 22:10

Yes gp and buscopan is your friend

Minime85 · 19/02/2016 22:09

Definitely gp to rule out more serious things. But in meantime keep a food diary and note any foods which have particular impacts.

MrsPnut · 19/02/2016 21:29

Gosh yes, I had diarrhoea for about 18 months and it got progressively worse until I plucked up the courage to see the GP.
I was referred after a few blood tests and saw a consultant gastroenterologist who thought it could be a few things but sent me for a "top and tail" to make sure. I was diagnosed with ulcerative colitis after the colonoscopy and have tried different combinations of meds to get to a happy place. I am currently in remission and doing well.

It might be that yours is an easy diagnosis or you may have to try lots of things but suffering on your own is not the answer.

JennyOnAPlate · 19/02/2016 21:24

Yes of course you should see a doctor. It sounds like it's having a massive impact on your life. Please go and get it investigated Thanks

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