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General health

my throats closed up

28 replies

LaurieFairyCake · 04/02/2016 06:59

I wakened up an hour ago unable to breathe and spent ten minutes retching and burst all the blood vessels in my eyes and round it ( I look dreadful)

I had a slightly sore throat yesterday but today I've wakened up to my uvula about ten times its size (I've no tonsils).

I can still just about swallow, have slightly stuffed up sinuses but I don't feel ill.

What can I do!! It was terrifying and I'm having to concentrate to breathe. I've gargled with salt water and eating a couple of strepsils

Is there anything I can take from the pharmacy that will make the swelling go down ? I'm not going to be able to go to bed tonight without it going down

OP posts:
Gunting · 04/02/2016 14:13

Please go and be seen

HaveIGotAClue · 04/02/2016 14:15

Just remove the whopping vibrator and you'll be grand. ;0

[Note from MNHQ: this is a jokey reference to another thread and not a troll post...]

PoppitFox · 01/03/2016 11:02

how did you get on? were you okay? x

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