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Help please DH went to hospital by ambulance and haven't heard from him for 2 hours

74 replies

snottybeammeup · 01/01/2016 23:21

He had chest pains, extreme dizziness, pins and needless. I keep trying to call him on his mobile but no answer for 2 hours.

Does anyone have any suggestions? Can I call the hospital? He went to A & E. Do I call them? Or could he simply be having tests and so not answering his phone right now?

Im panicking Sad.

OP posts:
Begentleimnewhere · 02/01/2016 00:44

OP I was in your situation about a year ago. My DH was injured playing a sport and rushed to the hospital at 11 pm. I had small kids sleeping and all of our family lives out of the country. I didn't call anyone because it felt like too much of an imposition, and I was worried about the kids waking up to someone they don't know well, etc. I wasn't able to get to the hospital until 10 am. It turned out my DH's injury was very serious, even life-threatening. He got all the right treatment and is completely fine now and he was in so much pain he barely noticed I wasn't there. But in retrospect, I wish I had called a friend or neighbor, even late at night. It was the worst night of my life. If the roles were reversed, I wojkd hope my friend or neighbor would call me. I wojkd be happy to go sleep on a neighbor's couch so she could be with her DH in this situation.

shazzarooney99 · 02/01/2016 00:48

passmethewineplease eh obvious? if a person is in a life or death situation? or even in hospital not its not obvious to be honest. you take your children, like i did when my hubby had a heart attack straight to the hospital and you stay there and yes i have a child on the spectrum too and i still done it, i dont get all this. and yes my partner actually had a heart attack.

LadyStoicIsBack · 02/01/2016 00:52

OP I'm so sorry for how awful you must feel right now but take comfort that DH is very much in the right place, and that you both did the right thing in getting help. Agree with pp that early intervention may mean this turns out to be a blessing in disguise but clearly it won't feel like that right now?

Whereabouts are you my lovely? If any of us are near we may be able to help in RL as well as virtual hand-holding??? Flowers

guineapig1 · 02/01/2016 00:52

Begentle makes a fair point. If you were my neighbour I would have no problem at all in taking over and sleeping on your couch and sorting kids generally for as long you need. If she has offered to help she means it and if anything like me will be half expecting to be woken anyway. Just call her and get yourself to be with him.

Remember to take your phone charger with you too!!

LadyStoicIsBack · 02/01/2016 00:56

Shazza Not the time nor the place methinks?


TheFormidableMrsC · 02/01/2016 00:57

Shazza... am genuinely sorry you have been through that but there is no way I would take my small ASD child I have one to A&E during an emergency. It worked for you obviously, but not for everybody. Anyway, glad your DP is OK and you got through it. Let's not distract from the situation in hand...OP is alone and worried...

TheExMotherInLaw · 02/01/2016 00:59

So relieved he is where he is safe. Yesterday my dh went for a 20 mile cycle ride - why am I telling you this? Cos 2 years ago yesterday he was in intensive care on a cardiac ward, not even breathing for himself.
Hang on in there! Wonders can be performed!

Potatoface2 · 02/01/2016 01:00

please go to the hospital, take your children with you if you have to....surely you must have someone to call in an emergency...i only say this because i didnt get back from abroad and get to the hospital in time when a loved one had a massive coronary and passed away, i have never forgiven myself for not getting there....not to scare you but just for piece of will not sleep tonight otherwise, you only need be gone an hour just to see for yourself

FreakinScaryCaaw · 02/01/2016 01:03

I truly hope he'll be ok and back home to you soon.

I had a scare with dh Mon night, he ended up in hospital Tuesday and had numerous tests. He's ok but it was so scary. He's 60.

Hopefully dh will make some lifestyle changes and be fit as a fiddle in no time.

TheFormidableMrsC · 02/01/2016 01:09

Potato, really that's not helpful at all although I get you. OP has said she's isolated, has no family support, kids asleep. Doctor has assured her he is stable..clearly hospital will ring if she needs to be there asap and hopefully she has arranged emergency cover with neighbour.

I am really sorry that you went through that though, just awful, please don't beat yourself up Flowers

FreakinScaryCaaw · 02/01/2016 01:11

I meant your dh will make changes. Mine was a severe headache and total mystery?

TheWindowDonkey · 02/01/2016 01:32

Be prepared that he may be in the hospital for up to a week whilst they run tests and monitor him. They will have monitored him with an ecg, and also have taken blood to run a triph (sp) test to see if there has been any damage to his heart and to establish if it WAS a heart attack or not. This takes several hours to come back and I dint think he'd be released until those results are in.
A family memberhashad several heart attacks this year, I understand how terrifying it is waiting for news, esp when you are stuck at home withthe children and are unable togo and see he is OK.
The most important thing is that he will be chock full of drugs that will be preventing further attacks, and that if it IS H/A then you now know there is an he will get help straight away if it ever happens again. Boththings which seem scary, but make him safer than he was this time yesterday IYSWIM?

TheWindowDonkey · 02/01/2016 01:33

Should have prefaced all of that by saying I am sorry you are going though this.

AlwaysBeYourself · 02/01/2016 01:36

OP did he have a headache from hell and was he vomiting at all? Could he walk?

Whatsername24 · 02/01/2016 01:43

No advice to give but couldn't read and not send my best wishes, hope he'll be well and back home soon.

2boysnamedR · 02/01/2016 01:49

Hope he's doing ok. If you can't sleep then make sure the hospital will keep you updated of changes. You could also pack him a few things in case he stays in. Make plans for who could have the kids in the morning or sit with them in the hospital cafe so you can all go up.

It's hard being in hospital with no one to have the kids.

Hastagwhatever · 02/01/2016 02:50

Hope he is ok Flowers

passmethewineplease · 02/01/2016 11:19

Any news OP? Hope he's sorted now.

Justaboy · 02/01/2016 14:52

I'd expect or hope the O/P is with him in hospital by now and she can't get a mobile connection to post and/or perhaps shes asleep after being up all night worrying.

Perhaps also a timely reminder to the rest of us to have a contingency plan in place in case any of us are next in the same boat.

fairbalance · 02/01/2016 19:14

Hope you are okay?

notapizzaeater · 02/01/2016 19:24

Have you any news ? Where are you perhaps someone might be able to help ?

FarrowAndBallache · 02/01/2016 19:43

Gosh how worrying and stressful for you. Hope you get another update soon Flowers


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toomuchinternets · 03/01/2016 15:56

Hoping for good news, OP x

Ditsy4 · 03/01/2016 20:40

Hope everything is ok hugs

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