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General health

Stye on eye and now really swollen eyelid

4 replies

Itsdone · 23/10/2015 07:34

Is this normal?

I had the stye about a week ago and it went but the area was still sore.

Now my eyelid is just massive!

It's hurting too.

What shall I do and is this normal?

OP posts:
PeaceOfWildThings · 23/10/2015 07:46

Sorry, as others said, do see a doctor this time too for a diagnosis and treatment.

PeaceOfWildThings · 23/10/2015 07:44

It's not exactly normal, it could be a sign that your general immunity is low due to stress, lack of sleep, poor diet etc.

Take pain relief and do not pop any spot that forms!

Good advice here

Do see a doctor if it doesn't clear up quickly, or if you get styes often.

CMOTDibbler · 23/10/2015 07:42

You need to seek medical attention today - this morning ideally. Sounds like you might have an infection in your eyelid

WhoKnowsWhereTheTimeG0es · 23/10/2015 07:40

Get yourself seen by a doctor ASAP and I mean now, this morning. There is an infection you can get in your eyelid which can become dangerous quickly, chances are it isn't what you've got, but this really isn't something to leave over the weekend.

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