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Seeing rain when it's not raining

48 replies

Icyblue · 12/10/2015 10:13

Following on my two previous threads regarding my 10yr old dd who sometimes says she sees lines in her vision, she had now been seen by an optometrist and doctor. Her eyes are fine, not floaters and the doctor confirmed it's not migraine. My dd describes them like she's seeing rain. The lines are straight and transparent/white and fall down from above. Each episode lasts a few seconds and if she looks away, the lines/rain disappear. If she concentrates and looks at a background she sees them too.

Anyone came across this before?

OP posts:
NicBee89 · 07/06/2022 21:18

This crossed my mind This used to happen to me, and thought I'd look it up and thought I'd comment. I'm 32 now, but used to see this at high school when I was maybe 13-15. I remember usually seeing what looked like rain falling from Sports hall when doing PE, and I remember feeling startled by it, and saying to a classmate who obviously thought I sounded weird. I never told Anyone since, and I'd just notice it in class. Stopped happening in later years but could never explain it. Interesting ideas here.

CambsAlways · 07/06/2022 22:58

It’s actually drops of light like summer rain been seeing it for years ! I’m psychic

Titsywoo · 07/06/2022 23:00

Smithriver · 20/01/2020 16:20

I am an adult and have full faculties. I've been seeing rain outside when it isn't raining for years now. It looks like a fine, light, steady rain that only I can see. My husband looks and sees nothing. I've done testing...checked weather reports, left water outside to check water movement, etc. I have never met anyone who sees what I do yet, so was happy to have found these posts. I have studied this phenomenon now and I too believe there is a spiritual meaning to it. I blew up a rain drop and drew a picture of it recently. I believe it is something a selected few can see and it's meaning will reveal itself when the time is right. The Earth used to be flat until proven round. Now I know that analogy only works if you are not a "Flat Earther". We are learning and growing continuously, that I hope we all can agree on. Blessing and love to all.

Same! I do also think I have binocular vision dysfunction so not sure if it is related. I'm going to have a google to find out!

CambsAlways · 07/06/2022 23:03

It might sound really strange to most people who haven’t witnessed it, you cannot feel it it’s not rain as such so can’t get wet it looks like rain! Absolutely fascinating ! It also is very clear silver in darkness two of my family have also seen it! It freaks them out but nothing to worry about fascinating

Oldfilmsareshit · 07/06/2022 23:05

Just thought this was normal. I often think it’s light raining when it’s not

knittingaddict · 07/06/2022 23:07

Smithriver · 20/01/2020 16:20

I am an adult and have full faculties. I've been seeing rain outside when it isn't raining for years now. It looks like a fine, light, steady rain that only I can see. My husband looks and sees nothing. I've done testing...checked weather reports, left water outside to check water movement, etc. I have never met anyone who sees what I do yet, so was happy to have found these posts. I have studied this phenomenon now and I too believe there is a spiritual meaning to it. I blew up a rain drop and drew a picture of it recently. I believe it is something a selected few can see and it's meaning will reveal itself when the time is right. The Earth used to be flat until proven round. Now I know that analogy only works if you are not a "Flat Earther". We are learning and growing continuously, that I hope we all can agree on. Blessing and love to all.

I'm sorry, but I don't believe a word of that. I don't even understand what you are trying to say.

knittingaddict · 07/06/2022 23:10

I'm not disputing what you see, just the fact that there's a spiritual element to it.

It's obviously a visual disturbance of some kind.

QueenOfHiraeth · 07/06/2022 23:16

I see it but only sometimes when looking out through a window, never see it indoors or when I am outdoors. Agree it's like a fine summer rain and I am unfailingly surprised when I look at the floor and see nothing wet!
I have no idea what it is and why I see it sometimes and not others

UrsulaPandress · 07/06/2022 23:21

I’ve been seeing this recently. Think it’s light rain. But it’s not.

JemimaHumdrum · 07/06/2022 23:28

Lots of you say you think it’s raining outside when it’s not raining. So are you seeing it in a small section of your vision ie you’re indoors looking through the window (which takes up a small part of your visual field iyswim)? Or does it totally take up your entire vision?

Are you only seeing it on light backgrounds like the sky?

How long does it last for?

So many questions 😆

HopingForMyRainbowBaby · 07/06/2022 23:34

I used to when I was younger, but I'd see rain indoors. I grew out of it as I got older

Oldfilmsareshit · 08/06/2022 16:18

I only see it out of windows. Sometimes I study it and am 100% convinced it’s rain but if I open the window it’s not there. Happens at night / dark more

underneaththeash · 08/06/2022 16:54

It's a form of entoptic phenomenon

Mazz189 · 06/01/2023 21:10

I have this my whole life and struggled to explain it. Its not observable indoors under any circumstance and its not floaters or visual snow, etc. I can see it no matter the weather if I don't direclty focus. I've noticed that in cities it is more clearly present than in country unless said country has a lot of dust / particulate from farming. My eyesight if 15/19, and I've came to the conclusion that its industrial fall out and/or cosmic dust / micrometeorites, etc. We have this falling on us at all times.

Myrtlebo · 26/03/2023 00:23

I have had a similar experience. It was only once about 4 years ago, but it was so vivid, that I often think of it. Light started raining down from above , from the right hand corner of the ceiling. I couldn’t really believe what I was seeing: large droplets, falling like a rain shower but not reaching me. It was pretty and strange, and I was definitely awake- I just thought I must be imagining it because I couldn’t explain it. It’s never happened since, and I’ve never really shared it until now as I thought I was was the only one. But I’m so glad I did this search- and that others have seen something similar. It was beautiful and did look other - worldly, and I wouldn’t have believed it if I hadn’t seen it myself.

Viva22 · 24/04/2023 15:11

Hey! I was wondering did you get to the bottom of this? My daughter is 5 and started to say the same thing last night and the whole day today I’m a bit freaked out 🥲

Lucycdx · 24/04/2023 19:03

I started seeing visual snow as soon as I started doing practices like meditation etc, becoming more introspective. Supposedly children are more open to the subtleties of life, if you tend to believe in that. For me, I translate it as just being able to tune into myself, be calm and quiet, and notice subtle things. Maybe her senses are just heightened because she naturally has that quality. I would say it’s a good thing.

vkbarefoot · 30/07/2023 05:34

The gobos are slats of light that create a moving light as if rain is falling when they rotate. Add to that either people in the flies or cans with sifters that sprinkle glitter and the light from the gobos will reflect off the glitter and create a rather magical rain.

Shauntaemoore18 · 23/09/2023 14:14

I'm so glad I found this! I thought I was going crazy or something was wrong with my eyes.
I see it quite often when I'm sitting outside. I ask my husband and he doesn't see it. I feel crazy because I'll put up my hands and I don't feel it either. I'm thankful to have stumbled on to this . 🙏🏼

Gatete · 02/12/2023 18:19

I am 35 years old. You may be right about it being because by living in the now so to speak. Just this morning I was watching material which suggested to me that if you could live within the moment, and be an observer of my life-and leave everything to a higher power- that my vision on things would change forever. I had been practing since morning. I suppose that's why I could see it drizzling and no one else was able to.

KatNZ · 22/12/2023 08:56

I have this myself. Every time I look outside it seems to be raining very softly and lightly and coming straight down. It is especially easy to see against a dark background like a building or tree. I often have to go outside to see if it is really raining or not. I have noticed this phenomenon for the last 10 or 12 years. No idea what causes it.

tamiep · 13/03/2024 07:45

I have been looking for answers to this for several years. I joined this chat because I found it when I googled "seeing rain when it's not raining." I saw this in 2019 when I was at an event and the Theosophical Society in Wheaton, IL in the US (I had to say I was from the UK to join this group, but I really wanted to join this conversation).

The event includes many speakers on various philosophies and there is a lovely drumming ceremony at the very end. I had a booth, offering tarot readings and reflexology treatments. When the event was over I went into the bookstore to use the coupon we venders received. While in there, I looked out the window and saw a very fine, but heavy rain. We all had been worried that it was going to rain. I comment to someone, "Oh, I see it finally started to rain. Thankfully it waited until the end." The person looked at me like I was crazy and said "it's not raining."

I looked again, it was definitely raining. I went outside and I could still see it, but I could not feel it. I asked a couple more people if they saw rain, they said they could not. And the ground was not getting wet. As I walked around the building to where my booth was, I saw the rain coming down at an angle. It was still very fine, but heavy.

I could still see the rain as we packed up, but the second I left the property, it was gone.

I have thought to call the Theosophical Society to ask if anyone else has seen this on the property, but afraid they will think I'm crazy.

When I thought about it, I did remember this being mentioned in a book I had read. It seems like it was a book about a person who was psychic, but didn't want to be or something, but she said she was sitting at her kitchen table and looked out the window saw "energy rain."

I have searched, and cannot find anything on this, but this is what I think I saw at that event. That property feels very spiritual to me. I would love for those of us who have been that to maybe chat on another forum about this. It would be very interesting to compare stories and maybe find others who have experienced it. I'd be happy to start a Facebook group or something.


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Karnarn246 · 08/04/2024 21:44

I see this also in one eye after dark. I've been to eye specialist and they said my eye is fine.
Scheduled now for a MRI of the brain.

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