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General health

Jarred and clicky joints

6 replies

Ifyoubuildit · 17/08/2015 13:30

Can anyone recommend a supplement. The osteopath said I'm likely to get arthritis because my neck and jaw are so clicky Hmm

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simplydivine05 · 28/08/2015 22:31

Cold doesn't seem to affect my joints Ifyou but it can send my muscles into spasm. Hormones are the biggest influencer for me as well as over doing it. Between ovulation and my period when progesterone is at its highest my joints pop out or jar constantly. I was better off on the combined pill but we're ttc Hmm I may be mad!

iklboo · 26/08/2015 17:34

Weird - as glucosamine has the opposite effect for me. It makes my joints more hypermobile & prone to slipping.

Ifyoubuildit · 26/08/2015 17:24

That's interesting simply - I'm hyper mobile too. I wonder if that's what causes it?

Do you find that your joints ache when you're cold?

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Cocolepew · 23/08/2015 19:00

Magnesium, my DDs are the clickiest people I've ever heard, and this helps.

simplydivine05 · 19/08/2015 14:15

Glucosamine sulphate. I have a click jaw that locks, along with a lot of my other joints. It's caused by hypermobility syndrome. My kneecap seems to be kept under control with glucosamine. I didn't take it while we were on holiday for two weeks and my knee got really bad. Started on it again and within 4 days it was much better. Not sure if it's helped my jaw, not paid much attention to that as it doesn't hurt so I forget about it!

Ifyoubuildit · 17/08/2015 17:00


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