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DH hom,e for the weekend

38 replies

Blandmum · 24/11/2006 20:19

Just a note to tel you that dh is home for the weekend. He is very tired and still a little sick on times, but it is so good to have him home.

He goes back in on Sunday for a laperoscopy and biopsy on tuesday.

Thank you for all the kind thoughts and words of support

You have been diamond!

In the hardest of times I have realised that people are esentially wonderful. Thank you all again.

Much love

OP posts:
BudaBeast · 26/11/2006 20:59

Missed this but was thinking of you and wondering how you were doing.

Hope all goes well this week.

Miaou · 25/11/2006 19:48

how lovely mb! All the best for next week.

JoolsToo · 25/11/2006 19:35

enjoy your weekend, thinking of you all

hope all goes well with next week's procedure.


moondog · 25/11/2006 19:10

Glad to hear it!

Sobernow · 25/11/2006 18:47

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Blandmum · 25/11/2006 18:29

Even my mother's food would be nicer than hospital food, and that is saying something!

He has eaten well today. He has just polised off a chicken roast dinner!

OP posts:
IvortheEngine · 25/11/2006 18:28

Unlike the rugby.

IvortheEngine · 25/11/2006 18:27

So glad that he is able to be at home this w/e mb and that it is going so well.

iota · 25/11/2006 18:25


iota · 25/11/2006 18:25

I bet your food is nice than hospital food MB

NotSoupyOhNoNoNoShesOnABreak · 25/11/2006 18:23

Hope you have a lovely evening too.

Blandmum · 25/11/2006 18:19

I feel a little better having 'fed' him....sounds daft, but for once I feel as if I have done something for his wellbeing, as opposed to his wonderful nurses and doctors

OP posts:
saggarmakersbottomknocker · 25/11/2006 18:16

Glad you've had a good day so far MB.

Good luck for tomorrow and Tuesday.

Blandmum · 25/11/2006 18:14

We have had a very nice time. He has had to rest lots, but has been up, pottering round the house, which is so nice to see.

For the first time in a week he hasn't been sick (so far). He has also eaten lots....lots of mini snackettes to tempt him to eat, as the poor lamb is so thin.

He also had a 'good' nights sleep....actually he was up about 6 times though the night, but went straight back to sleep, which was a significany improvement on last week

OP posts:
motherinferior · 25/11/2006 17:31

Oh, have a lovely Saturday night!

iota · 25/11/2006 17:29

oh MB - I hope you and your flyboy are having a lovely time

Twiglett · 25/11/2006 17:09

I hope you're having a great weekend

thinking of you

Skyler · 25/11/2006 16:08

You and your family have been in my thoughts MB. Hope you all have a peaceful weekend and wishing you luck for the week ahead.

sallystrawberry · 25/11/2006 14:37

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lulumama · 25/11/2006 14:36

have a lovely time together, enjoy and enjoy and enjoy.......x

robinpud · 25/11/2006 14:33


Jimjams2 · 25/11/2006 07:52

Glad he's home


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Blossomhill · 24/11/2006 23:08

So pleased that dh is home for the weekend. Lots of love and positive thoughts for Tuesday xxxxxx

NorksBride · 24/11/2006 23:05

Good for the MartianBishop family. I hope you all enjoy a nice relaxing weekend. Mmmm, nothing like your own bed!

PollyLogos · 24/11/2006 22:49

I've been thinking of you both an awful lot over the last few days. I am so glad dh was able to come home for the weekend and hope that you, your children and your mil (if she's still staying with you) have a happy time together.

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