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Gross PIC of foot lump

4 replies

306235388 · 12/07/2015 23:24

Any ideas what this is???

Milky white lump with grey round most of it. Hurts when pressed. Don't think verruca .... Is getting bigger.....

Gross PIC of foot lump
Gross PIC of foot lump
OP posts:
306235388 · 13/07/2015 20:26

It's gone totally grey now , will try and find pharmacy tomorrow

OP posts:
FadedRed · 13/07/2015 10:12

Athletes foot? I had that once with lots of little blisters on sole of one foot, though they leaked clear fluid when they burst and were itchy as well as sore. Might be worth trying an anti fungal treatment.

306235388 · 13/07/2015 05:59

I'm in the UK...

Shouldve said I had one earlier in the week which was much smaller and burst on its own so don't think foreign body??

OP posts:
FadedRed · 12/07/2015 23:46

if you are in the UK Op, then you probably have a small 'foreign body' in your foot and there is a little pus formed. Wash the area, puncture with a sterilised needle, let the pus out and cover with a plaster (blister plaster if you have one) and ot should heal up in a few days.
However, ifyou live somewhere hot and exotic, with strange flies and boring insects, this could the beginning of a very interesting thread........
PS: I think you are supposed to start this type of topic by sounding the **

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