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Bed wetting alarms. Recommendations?

4 replies

AnguaVonUberwald · 10/06/2015 19:52

Ds2 5.5 is wet everynight. Maybe one dry nappy a month. It's really bothering him. He often gets upset at having pull-ups on at night and makes me check every morning in case they are dry.

Two questions.
Is he too young for a bed wetting alarm?
Which one would you recommend, or not recommend?

OP posts:
AnguaVonUberwald · 10/06/2015 21:20

whenmarnie interesting, thanks. They are not cheap so don't want to spend a lot of money if no chance they will work, but think given ds's distress it's time to try something.

Toomanydicks thanks, will look that up.

OP posts:
TooManyDicksOnTheDancefloor · 10/06/2015 20:20

We used wet stop when dd was 7, it worked in a week. It might be worth a go, we had a very heavy sleeper, the alarm woke her and got her up.

WhenMarnieWasThere · 10/06/2015 20:14

Wet every night means he's not really ready for an alarm I don't think.

Dd was refused a referral to the enuresis clinic until she was 9. They prescribed something which helped a bit, but not much and it was basically a matter of waiting til she was ready to be dry.

She was completely dry at about 12.

WhenMarnieWasThere · 10/06/2015 20:12

I found them useless. We got one online and while it was loud enough to wake me and the rest of the street house, dd slept on oblivious. It hurt my ears to get close enough to switch have it off, but she didn't stir.

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