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General health

Lump on side of knee

2 replies

MrsFruitcake · 09/06/2015 17:57

I've always had painful knees and had a lateral release on left knee in 1994.

Recently I noticed a lump on the side of my left knee which is noticeable when my leg is bent. It is soft and doesn't in itself cause pain. Doctor said if it wasn't hurting he would have to see me as a routine appointment which is next week.

What could it be? Suffer from anxiety do of course am over analysing this.Confused

OP posts:
UnderThePink · 09/06/2015 18:51

Hi :)

I have exactly the same - big soft squidgy lump on left side of left knee and most noticeable when knee bent. I also have ongoing knee problems (hypermobility syndrome). My doctor wasn't remotely concerned and said it's a lipoma (benign fatty tumour) and they could remove it if it ever caused problems. It's not got any bigger in the last 5 years so no issues so far.

Good luck and don't worry too much!

Psipssina · 09/06/2015 18:00

I have known a couple of people who have had hugeee knee lumps and all has been fine. It's a very common thing and goes away after a while.

I hope yours is the same thing. Housemaid's knee springs to mind - ex had it Grin

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