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How to replace a tooth - implants?

28 replies

grace11 · 03/06/2015 22:27

I'm having a nightmare with a tooth - after two root canals the remaining tooth broke. I was hoping the dentist could 'peg' the crown on but the gum is inflamed and he's saying best option is to extract it and have an implant. It's near the front - a premolar - and I'm pregnant - hopefully all this work will be done after the baby is born. I really need some advice from people who have been through this and weighed up the options. An implant seems very expensive (no idea where I'll find the money) and there's the risk attached to it - found some horror stories online. What have people done in a similar situation? Surely people have teeth taken out and replaced all the time?? Any advice/shared experience would be much appreciated, feel very confused x

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Iamaslummymummy · 09/06/2015 09:50

I'm going to have invisalign braces to straighten my teeth and close a gap. Just waiting for a Wisdom tooth removal under sedation at the hospital first

grace11 · 09/06/2015 12:47

The thing that worries me about implants is they are relatively and there's currently no solid data on how long they last. Dentists seem very keen on them but I just wonder... Also, the expensive means that you can't keep going with them (well I can't) when other teeth come out. I'm wondering about the resin retained bridge MrsMorton mentioned - I just asked the dentist and he thinks they are flimsy - has anyone had one? I might try and manage with a little denture...

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grace11 · 09/06/2015 12:48

Meant relatively new!

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