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what does 'foreign body' in vagina mean?

38 replies

notjustamom · 17/05/2015 23:50

So Ive been having some period related problems, or lack of should I say, went to see my gp who got me to have an ultrasound where they found a shadow.
I was then referred to a gynocologist who told me it is a foreign body but did not elaborate. He has now got me in for a pelvic mri.

What I don't understand is what this foreign body could be or how it got there. I'm getting a bit worried as I was raped last September and haven't had sex since nor do I use tampons.

Sorry if it's long.

OP posts:
AtomicDog · 20/05/2015 20:24

If you had a C-section, it could easily be something left from the procedure. Also, if it's a shadow they've seen, is it possibly an adhesion, rather than a foreign body?
Good luck Thanks seems like a long time to wait.

McFarts · 20/05/2015 20:18

I cant't add anything to the advice already given, but i couldn't read and not post. You have been through so much. Is there any reason why you've not told school about your son? i think you'd find them very supportive and it would be one less thing for you to worry about xxx

notapizzaeater · 20/05/2015 19:09

Aww you poor love, hopefully it's something innocent, take care and good luck

anniebear71 · 20/05/2015 19:06

What a lot to have gone through and just 17' lots of love xxxx

FluffyCubs · 19/05/2015 12:10

OP, just wanted to say, my heart goes out to you, seems like you've had such a tough time.

textfan · 18/05/2015 22:47

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Message withdrawn at poster's request.

TheOnlyOliviaMumsnet · 18/05/2015 22:42

Just to say thanks to those who've reported this thread - we'll be leaving this thread

OP please do continue to seek support here and please also seek RL support too.
Hope you and your DS are okay and best of luck in your exams
Very kindest wishes to you

AuntieStella · 18/05/2015 22:40

To respond to the first question, MRI is used when they cannot get a clear enough image in ultrasound. It is rarely used (not least because it's much more expensive) and extra caution is indicated if there is the possibility of metal fragments.

How long until the appointment? It might be worth asking to speak to someone on the consultant's team, because only they can clear up this confusion.

SouthWestmom · 18/05/2015 22:37

Yes sorry, have reported my post

Selks · 18/05/2015 22:37

Please people be gentle. This poster has a posting history that backs up her story (yes, I looked). She wasn't clear in her OP about dates but I guessed she meant September 2013.
OP, sorry I can't advise on your query but maybe ask your doctor? Hope all goes well.

YouBastardSockBalls · 18/05/2015 22:29

Given the sensitive nature of this, if people want to raise any concerns with HQ then perhaps they should do just that rather than risk upsetting a vulnerable person?

Just a thought.

Flowers OP

SouthWestmom · 18/05/2015 22:28

Prem not premier

SouthWestmom · 18/05/2015 22:27

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Message deleted by MNHQ. Here's a link to our Talk Guidelines.

YouPooPooBumBum · 18/05/2015 22:26

That's a lot to cope with at just 17 years old, keep posting here for support.
If you breastfeed sometimes your periods take a while longer to return to normal. Could it be this?
Is there anyone at your school who could support you?

chocolatelife · 18/05/2015 22:26

i think you shoudl ask your GP or nurse what it means tbh, hopefully it will become clearer when you have your scan.

CinnabarRed · 18/05/2015 22:25

No need for apologies, I was hoping to be able to suggest something constructive if I had a clearer idea of what had happened. But no.

notjustamom · 18/05/2015 22:23

kPlunk yes, why?

OP posts:
MarniRose · 18/05/2015 22:22

Maybe HQ should take a look at this thread

KPlunk · 18/05/2015 22:17

Are you in the UK?

notjustamom · 18/05/2015 22:15

I'm 17, I live with my dad, mum died when I was 6 and school don't know anything about it or the fact that I have a child ( didn't show much plus had him premature in easter holidays).

Sorry for the confusion cinnabar I don't think I explained it clearly, I was raped in September 2013. I was basing it on an academic year. Haven't has a period since having him.

Sorry for the confusionBlush

OP posts:
CinnabarRed · 18/05/2015 21:57

I'm very confused. You were raped (I'm so sorry) in September 2014, it was your first and only time, you fell pregnant with your DS - so I guess you've only just delivered him? Isn't that why you haven't had your periods back yet?

YouPooPooBumBum · 18/05/2015 21:52

I hope you don't mind me asking but you mention school and exams - are you very young?
Do you have real life support at this time?
Sorry you were attacked Flowers


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notjustamom · 18/05/2015 21:42

Marni what do you mean?

OP posts:
MarniRose · 18/05/2015 20:46

This all sounds very odd to me. Are you sure about everything?

MatildaTheCat · 18/05/2015 13:56

OP, it might possibly be a swab or other piece of equipment from your cs. If there was anything in your vagina then it would be found on examination. However if a swab was inadvertently left inside you it could indeed cause ongoing issues. It should, theoretically never happen but of course occasionally mistakes occur.

However, try not to fret too much and await the scan. If you feel unwell at any time see your GP straight away.

Best wishes and hope this is resolved very soon. Flowers

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