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DS having the MMR today... very nervous... did yours have any side effects?

19 replies

justaphase · 30/10/2006 14:38

I don't mean autism, please spare me this... but being unsettled, fever etc. How long did it last for?

Ds is 13 months and also having the new vaccine at the same time.

I am hoping most people will say they had no reacion at all.

OP posts:
estobi1 · 01/11/2006 15:54

How is little one today? Any reaction? Hope all is well xx

prettymummified · 31/10/2006 08:12

my dd had her mmr and the new one together, no reaction, she didnt even flinch when she had them!!!

justaphase · 31/10/2006 08:02

They gave him 3 jabs!!!!!!!!


The new pneumococal whatever

and a Hib/MenC booster

Surely this is too much for a small baby!

He did not get too upset by the whole ordeal although I felt like a monster.

He was all right for the rest of the evening, hopefully he will get no reaction.

I don't know why they do the 3 jabs in one go though, they told me that's how they do it now for everyone and it is better as they only get the side effects once. Hmmmm....

OP posts:
amyjade · 30/10/2006 19:12

No reaction - 2 children.

kittythescarygoblin · 30/10/2006 19:08

Very bad reaction with my first child, so bad none of the others have had it

hermykne · 30/10/2006 18:25

no reaction with either

HumphreyComfreyCushion · 30/10/2006 18:25

Ditto Twig's post.

DingALongCow · 30/10/2006 18:23

Grumpy and unsettled (but not massively, just a bit more whingy) for week 2 after jab. On week 4 came out in mild German measles rash which went after 4 days, no other reaction. I think she had one dose of Calpol over those 4 weeks and that was with the rash.

tribpot · 30/10/2006 18:11

Hope it went okay; my ds is having his on Friday. V apprehensive as he hated his other vaccinations, I was in tears each time

Gobbledispook · 30/10/2006 18:10

No reaction at all - 3 children

twickersmum · 30/10/2006 18:06

nothing at all and infact didn't seem to hurt anything like the 2,3,4 month ones.
give him a packet of chocolate buttons to eat while they're doing it and he probably will barely flinch!

Joceybean · 30/10/2006 17:29

God that looks like i'm showing off, meant

Joceybean · 30/10/2006 17:27

Nothing for both my dd's

estobi1 · 30/10/2006 16:26

A little bit grotty but nothing to worry about at all. Good luck!

izzybiz · 30/10/2006 15:55

none at all!

fishie · 30/10/2006 14:46

ds had both at 17 months. he had temp spikes about 4 days later and was generally out of sorts and unwell for about 10 days - my friend's twins had their jabs a week later and had v similar symptoms too. get the baby ibuprofen on standby it wasn't too bad.

TwigTwoolett · 30/10/2006 14:41

I am going to avoid answering this thread on the grounds that you don't want to hear anyway

VoluptuaGoodshag · 30/10/2006 14:41

Nothing at all!

KathyDCLXVI · 30/10/2006 14:40

No reaction

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