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Urgent advice - Ds might have swallowed daz powder

11 replies

ostrichhead · 05/01/2015 16:59

I can't be sure... Minute amount on fingers, and in hair (specks) none round mouth...

Packet emptied on floor/in washing machine dispenser

I thought I'd closed the safety gate in the kitchen when I popped to the loo... Have asked him if he ate any and he says yes. But he's 2.3... So rather unreliable

I'm just being paranoid, there would be some round his mouth if he had wouldn't there??

Or do I need to rush to a and e?

OP posts:
Groovester · 05/01/2015 22:12

Glad all is well x

CorporeSarnie · 05/01/2015 19:54

Hope your DS is ok OP, glad you didn't need to go to hospital in the end

ostrichhead · 05/01/2015 17:28

Apparently the toxicity of the powder increases with the amount consumed so for now they said stay home and monitor him but call back right away if he develops any symptoms...

OP posts:
ostrichhead · 05/01/2015 17:14

Groovester that's relieving to know.

I'm through now back on hold while they check

OP posts:
InfinitySeven · 05/01/2015 17:05

If you don't get through in the next few minutes, take him to A&E.

Groovester · 05/01/2015 17:04

My little boy (2 1/2 at the time) enjoyed eating the contents of the washing machine powder drawer (yes, the gloopy wet powdery sludge.) He was ok. He was of course, stopped as soon as we noticed.
Your son has probably had a taste and spat it out. I think he'll be ok xxxx

ostrichhead · 05/01/2015 17:03

Yes I couldn't see any in his mouth

And he's in no distress, just fallen asleep next to me but he was v tired already before this so not connecting it...

OP posts:
CorporeSarnie · 05/01/2015 17:02

Go to A&E. This isn't worth risking... And I am far from a rush to A&E type. If he hasn't eaten any it will definitely teach him a lesson.

AndHarry · 05/01/2015 17:02

Have you checked inside his mouth? I would have thought he'd be in some distress if he had actually swallowed some.

ostrichhead · 05/01/2015 17:01

Thanks I'm on the hold music trying to get through atm to them

OP posts:
BoreOfWhabylon · 05/01/2015 17:01

Ring 111 they will check with the National Poisons Information Service for best advice

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