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General health

Diarrhoea. My 14 weeks old son has a diarrhoea.

6 replies

vaidusia · 26/09/2006 12:19

He does a poo after every feed.I saw a doctor yesterday he gave him Dioralyte sachets to drink with a water.It is really worrying me.He has no temperature.I breast feed him and he is feeding all right.
Also has a bad nappy rash.
Anyone had the same priblem?What did you do?Help me.

OP posts:
CantSleepWontSleep · 26/09/2006 14:26

My DD seemed to poo constantly and had horrendous nappy rash from 2 weeks old until 15 weeks .

I was also breastfeeding and had been told that pretty much anything was normal poo wise in a bf baby, so didn't worry about it.

Had loads of different treatments for thrush (for DD, not me!) and none of them seemed to work. Has your doc ruled out thrush?

Eventually I gave up eating dairy, and also had Nystan drops to give DD (yet another thrush treatment), and that week her nappy rash went and hasn't returned. I don't know if it was the dairy or the Nystan that did the trick.

She also stopped the constant pooing, which was in fact cause by a dairy intolerance (reasonably common in babies).

I would recommend going back to your doc and asking him to explain what makes him sure it isn't thrush, or getting him to give you treatment for it, and/or giving up dairy for a couple of weeks.

The symptoms of dairy intolerance can be many and varied, but if your DS has no other problems then I don't want to worry you overly about this - with my DD there were clearly other issues too.

TooTicky · 26/09/2006 14:16

Sorry! Try again: here

TooTicky · 26/09/2006 14:14

The best bum cream wehave found is Tui Bee Balme, try here for a list of retailers.

NotQuiteCockney · 26/09/2006 14:08

Yeah, doctor is being weird.

If your baby is only having breastmilk, and is gaining well, I wouldn't worry about the poo. The Dioralyte doesn't sound necessary.

Does your son seem well otherwise?

louii · 26/09/2006 14:06

Hi there, it is very very normal for breastfed babies to poo at each feed. It is also supposed to be quite runny, certainly is not going to be a hard formed poo.
It is equally normal for breastfed babies to go for days with no poo which you will find happens when babe gets a wee bit older.
I would stop giving the dioralyte as prob no need as you are still breastfeeding. Will prob be making baby feed less as well.
Breastfed poos are weird and wonderful.



lazycow · 26/09/2006 13:55


On the nappy rash - have you tried leaving his nappy off for a while each day to let the air get to his bottom and then using a cream (try one from the chemist - I've heard metanium is very good) before you put a nappy on? Make sure the nappy area is really clean and dry after each change and before you put the cream on.

If it is really bad and doesn't get better with air and cream see the doctor again, he may be able to prescribe something.

Is he exclusively breastfed? If so how can you tell if he has diarrhoea? Breastfed babies often have very runny poos and I think some of them can poo a lot. Also I woul have thought that breastmilk would be better for your ds than diarolyte which tastes disgusting and he probably won't drink

I'm no expert on this but hopefully someone who knows more will come along but this will bump this for you.

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