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General health

Vagina sore, vulva itching(Sorry TMI!)

25 replies

Nmchngd · 02/09/2014 12:33

A while ago I had internal soreness, discharge (just a lot of water it seemed like, nothing thick or smelly or anything) etc and went to the Gyno.

They tested me for everything it could be (BV, Thrush, Trictoma whatever it is), as well as STDs although I'm in a monogomous relationship-I was so paranoid and upset about it I just said test for everything.

They found nothing wrong. They couldn't tell me what it was, why I was sore, why the discharge, said I had loads of healthy bacteria, a healthy cervix, they examined me internally and my mind was put at rest.

Anyway , fast forward a few months and my partner and I hadn't had sex for a while (nothing wrong, just both busy with work, I'd been away with friends etc), and when we did, I had to stop him because it hurt. That was about a week ago and since we had sex I'm still sore, and itchy.I have a bit of white, thick discharge. Smell is normal, nothing unpleasant.

I've put some 'vagina soothing' cream on and it doesn't seem to have done much. I know there's nothing badly wrong, so what is it-does this happen to other women? My Mum says yes, she keeps cream for that reason.

If nothing's wrong, why?Is it thrush?Should I get some thrush treatment from the chemist and go back to the gyno if it doesn't work?

My partner is well endowed, and he does hurt me sometimes but not to the point where I'm sore for days afterwards and not as soon as we start having sex.

OP posts:
Guiltypleasures001 · 03/09/2014 12:58

I wonder if your allergic to his sperm op? I've had this with the odd boyfriend at times, and at times of the month if the ph balance is changing. A lot of shower gels do this to me as well, I have not used bubble bath in years.

whathaveiforgottentoday · 02/09/2014 23:16

I used to get this and figured out it was the sanitary towels. Since I stopped using them, I haven't had any itchy spells. Like you I was tested for everything. I figured it out after dd1 as the protective sheet they put on the bed brought me up in a rash. Then realised it was the towels causing the itching.

mignonette · 02/09/2014 23:07

Hi Nmchngd

I am a nursey but in mental health although on a work sabbatical (soon to return though). You didn't come across as rude :)

A cold sore on the genitalia or internally could give you discharge and internal soreness BUT it is highly likely to just be Thrush. I am just mentioning a few of the also rans so you can bear these in mind (as can any lurkers who might have similar concerns).

Facial cold sores can infect the genitals if, say, somebody had oral sex with one or touched a sore with their fingers and then touched genitals.

However if it was an outbreak of Herpes on the genitals you'd most likely notice the sore. So if it is just pink/red and abraded, thrush is the most likely culprit.

Keep everything well aired and try to keep urine off the sore places too- dab yourself dry with a wet unsoaped cloth/tissue then reapply the cream. If it is Thrush, the treatment will start working soon.

to you- it sounds so painful.

Nmchngd · 02/09/2014 22:46

Sorry I meant to put a questionmark after your name, and because I haven't I think my question looks rude!I didn't mean it to be, just you seem very knowledgeable and I'm thanking you for taking the time to help.

And everybody else! I was feeling very down about this.

OP posts:
Nmchngd · 02/09/2014 22:45

Are you a doctor/gynocologist/ nurse, mignonette

I have had an STI screen just before DP and I got together (sheer paranoia!), and then last time I went they swabbed and took a wee sample and tested for everything they could from those, as I told them to.

I HAVE had a good look lol, a really good look, it seemed to hurt so much that it must look different-but it doesn't. No sores or anything, bit of redness perhaps?But It's hard to tell-one is 'pinker' in places anyway!

I haven't ever had a coldsore that I remember but perhaps when I was younger-could that mean I also get them on my genitals?Would coldsore virus down there give me discharge, internal soreness?

Thanks so much for the long reply!

OP posts:
mignonette · 02/09/2014 22:31

Yes the Diabetes link is rarer and of course type II is more closely associated with being overweight, having a less healthy diet etc. But it is something that anybody with repeated yeast infections should ask to have ruled out :)

Yes men can be asymptomatic although overweight people can get it in the folds of their skin and in damper parts where sweat glands proliferate. Circumcised men can still harbor it although uncut men are more likely to.

Have you ever had a cold sore on your mouth or face? Sometimes a primary infection with Herpes Simplex can masquerade as something else and again, cold sores of the mouth (type 1) can infect the genitals although they are not an STI. I have seen patients with cold sores between their buttocks and on the perineum. Have you got a mirror and had a good look? However I think you've said you have had an STI screen as these things (Herpes) can lie dormant for years, decades even and then erupt after a period of illness, stress, a change in the seasons etc. Usually though, the first attack makes you feel really ill though when it is in the genital area.

The cream and pessary will sting because you are sore and abraded. Yoghurt is a good idea as are cool baths with no additives or gels/soaps. Then dry very carefully (use hairdryer between your buttocks- I know, sounds mad but stops dampness and chafing) and apply more cream.

Sleep with no pants on. Keep your butt uncovered. Cotton underwear in the day and preferably no extra gussets which increase heat and decrease airflow to the genitals. Try to go pant less in the day when you can. Close the blinds and sit with your legs open.

Hope it gets better soon.

Guiltypleasures001 · 02/09/2014 21:41

I op can I suggest some natural yogurt on your bits see if that helps, and I second the thrush treatment.

Nmchngd · 02/09/2014 21:38

Ah the diabetes thing Sad. I'm pretty athletic and avoid sugar like the plague, but I know It's not always like that. Okay thanks, if I get this again I will definitely be mindful of that.

OP posts:
Nmchngd · 02/09/2014 21:36

I've used a pessary and also applied the cream. The cream stang a bit is that normal?

I am really sore at (gross sorry) the point between my vagina andmy bum.

Thanks for that tip andIfeed. :) I do have some coconut oil but I haven't been eating much of it recently, as It's been summer I've been eating a lot of salads and I find it 'sets' on them!

Good point mignonette!

If I'm honest, DP is LOVELY but he's overweight and not particularly healthy .I can see him as being prone to thrush. He's circumcised, though.Sometimes men get it without symptoms, don't they?Maybe I 'caught' it from him in the first place.

If it doesn't shift I'll go to an appointment next week.

OP posts:
OrangeyTulips · 02/09/2014 21:26

good points Mignonette. I'd totally forgotten about partners passing it between themselves. Happened last time with dh.

mignonette · 02/09/2014 20:43

Thrush causes internal soreness and obviously penetrative sex will abrade and chafe therefore making things worse.

Treat for thrush and get an appointment BUT if it is thrush then your sexual partner will need treating too otherwise he will pass the thrush back to you. It can secrete itself away under his foreskin you see or on the glans. So although it is NOT and STD, he will need treating and both of you checked to ensure that dual treatment has worked.

If you keep getting this ask the GP to check your urine for glucose as sometimes (although many people get it without having this) repeated yeast infections can be a sign that you might have Diabetes. The yeast feeds off the higher sugar levels in vaginal secretions, blood and other bodily fluids you see.

Good luck!

AndIFeedEmGunpowder · 02/09/2014 20:41

Thrush is a nightmare but nothing to be ashamed of. Coconut oil (the organic extra virgin one) is a really good anti fungal and can help (provided you don't have allergy) if added to your diet and/or applied topically. Sounds weird but works. Smile

BigPawsBrown · 02/09/2014 20:36

Treat for thrush. I don't test positive for it and it takes a few treatments but it is always thrush with the symptoms you describe, for me!

OrangeyTulips · 02/09/2014 17:59

Don't be mortified Nmchgd. These threads are really helpful for people.

GUM clinics are great for diagnosing and treating thrush and such like.

Hoping it gets sorted soon for you. Smile

Nmchngd · 02/09/2014 17:19

Orangey thanks. That sounds awful for you :(

I've become cocky I think. I used to avoid anything like bubblebaths, but I've not, recently.

I can't get to be examined until next week, either. I've treated for thrush now (pessary) so touch wood it will work.

I'm going to google that drink. But I've always been small.

pinkfrocks I'm 32 and have just had my hormones tested (for a different reason) and they were normal. Then again that was a month or so ago...

I am in the UK. I'll go to to GUM clinic if I have to, my own GP is rubbish with things like this.

Thanks for the replies. I'll see if thrush treatment works. I suppose It's been hot, I've been on holiday, I've been exercising a fair bit....It definitely could be thrush. Touch wood it will go.

I was mortified having to post this!

OP posts:
Pinkfrocks · 02/09/2014 15:07

Ps- are you in the UK?
Only ask as it's not usual to be referred to an NHS gynae for something like this, but I know that in Europe women have access to gynaes more easily- or of course you can see one privately in the UK.

I'd def ask whoever you see if you can try topical oestrogen which can be a tiny tablet/pessary = Vagifem, or a cream= Ovestin.

Pinkfrocks · 02/09/2014 15:03

How old are you?
These symptoms can be a sign of low oestrogen= vaginal atrophy. This can start in the peri meno phase, or even after breast feeding.

It's easily treated with cream used internally but you have to get it prescribed.

It could also be thrush- the bubble bath is the chief culprit- avoid!

Try a Diflucan tablet ( orally) and a pessary if it doesn't help.

DrinkBelliniFallDown · 02/09/2014 14:10

This reply has been deleted

Message withdrawn at poster's request.

OrangeyTulips · 02/09/2014 13:59

if I put bubble bath in my bath or even soap then I get thrush. I don't get any discharge just soreness. however my skin gets so sensitive then that I become allergic to thrush creams or any external cream. I can only wash with water until the soreness goes. sometimes the broken allergic skin 'invites' thrush back and so I end up in a loop. has lasted weeks on occasion.

I totally understand how frustrating it is for you. you just want to know what it is, how to treat it and for it to go. I feel irrational when I get a bad bout of thrush/allergy vagina - I think it will never go! but it always does...

Nmchngd · 02/09/2014 13:07

Okay, I'll go and get a tablet and cream.

I know my passage is quite small, I have been told that before when having examinations (and as a result, they're not easy for me or the GP). But we'd only had sex for a few minutes before it began to be unbearably painful, which seems weird, you'd think it would be after a long session, if it was to happen.

I'll go back to the gyno if it doens't work.

I hate going there, I dread it-always so paranoid that something terrible will be diagnosed, but with other health related things, I'm not like that at all! It's strange. And last time all was fine. I'm daft, I know.

OP posts:
gamerchick · 02/09/2014 12:57

Just treat for thrush to rule it out. Take the tablet as well and stop using the bubble bath. If it doesn't clear up then go back to your doctor.

If your bloke is on the large side then he needs to make sure you're really ready for penetration before hand.

Nmchngd · 02/09/2014 12:52

Lol how garbled was that post , I'm sorry.

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Nmchngd · 02/09/2014 12:50

Thank you for replying. It's pathetic but anything wrong 'down there' really upsets me-I always think It's something TERRIBLE which if I think logically, it really can't be!I've not had sex with anybody other than DP, it came on after sex, my last smear was normal-it can't be something horrible can it. I just want it to go!It's actually really sore and not pleasant at all Sad I just want it to go!

I don't use lubricant so it can't be that. Could it be thrush?I have been using bubblebath recently which I usually try to avoid, could that be it?If so how can I get rid of it. Maybe I should try a thrush pessary?

OP posts:
OrangeyTulips · 02/09/2014 12:46

ah, just spotted you have internal soreness. New lubricant allergy?

OrangeyTulips · 02/09/2014 12:44

possible allergy to something? washing powder used on undies?

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