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Mirena just fell out!

31 replies

WizzleWoo · 27/08/2006 10:01

I had the mirena coil fitted 5 weeks ago to control my heavy periods as I get very anaemic. I had this under GA as I had a d&c and a laproscopy at the same time. They had to remove one of my ovaries as it had a growth but that came back all clear after biopsy.
Anyway, I have been bleeding every day since the insertion. I couldn't feel the strings at all at first, but yesterday after some big blood clots the strings were much further down. This morning the whole thing came out! It was a white T shape with strings attached so I presume this is the whole thing?
Anyone else had any experience of this? TIA.

OP posts:
GL36girl · 22/07/2015 19:23

My mirena coil fell out after 4 months, during the four months I experienced periods which lasted up to 2 weeks, sometimes light sometimes heavy, it was a nightmare to plan anything. I also had really sore and large breasts. Just this week I experienced a 2nd period of the month and had flooding and clotting, which appears to have pushed out the coil yesterday, luckily I noticed that it had come out whilst in the loo and contacted my Doctor immediately who recommended I take the emergency contraceptive as if I had intercourse within the last 5 days it wasnt guranteed that the coil would have worked. I have had really bad flooding and clotting again today and got through at least 6 tampax in about 6 hours. I have no pain or nausea but I feel really fed up and need to consider what to try next. I had previously had the copper coil for 6 years and had no issues at all!

TSHWANDASS · 18/03/2016 17:46

hello i just read your post and it sounds like the exact same thing that I'm going through and,i just wanted to know how long your period last and did you get it again.

Mom5813 · 09/11/2016 16:02

I got my first mirena last year in September. At the 6 weeks check up they couldn't find the string, they did an ultrasound and xray and found nothing. So I went on pills again. This past September I got the mirena again. 7 weeks later they couldn't find the strings and again did an ultrasound and xray and found nothing. I have had clots during my periods for a couple years since before the first one. The doctor said that could have been what took the first one out. This time the clots were more shredded then what they normally were so I figured the mirena was still in. I guess not. I don't know what to do because my periods often make me anemic because they are that heavy. The mirena was really my only option. I'm only 30 and yes I have 3 kids but getting a hysterectomy and making it that I can't ever have kids again really isn't what I want even though we have said we are done. So what other option is there

paulah7293 · 06/03/2017 18:40

Had the coil fitted last November past couple of days I've sat down and felt like there's something wrong go to sit down and get this really uncomfortable feeling like being scratched can anybody help please

fusspot66 · 06/03/2017 18:47

Could the strings? You're gonna have to squat down and have a furtle about Grin

DeborahRose · 28/04/2023 01:00

Hi everyone.
This just happened to me today. I had a mirena put in days after my last period ended ( for severely heavy bleeding with clots and needing iron tablets ) and I was so happy because after a couple of days of spotting there was nothing more until my period was due and the bleeding began so light. After 6 days on my period my pads started suddenly to flood heavy again and then I passed Mirena without any pain in a huge clot. I had thought this was in for 7 years because I'm near menopause. If I hadn't have looked I wouldn't even know it had gone! I found out after that this can happen. I don't know if I shouldn't have been using Mirena and tampons, can't remember anyone telling me not to use them so I don't know now. I hope they let me try it again as it was helping initially, and my bleeding is horrible. Just to let you know it can happen and happened to me.

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