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Anyone still trying to get rid of the stretched skin that left you with a pouch belly!!!!

17 replies

lozzawoo · 25/08/2006 17:34

I had my son in 2003 and no matter what I do the belly is still there. Before I was pregnant I had a flat stomach so it is so stressful when u cannot get back to some normality with your body. I also have stretch marks on my belly and sides so it looks even worse. Anyone with these problems too?

OP posts:
magicfarawaytree · 27/08/2006 08:22

on extreme makeover they said the only way to get rid of it is a tummy tuck / lift - you are trading loose skin for a massive scar.

Auntymandy · 27/08/2006 08:04

morningpaper your tummy is not that bad at all. I wish mine looked like that!!!
How big was the baby btw? I missed that!!

Its a sad fact that we mummies have flabby tummies! but look at what we got in exchange, not a bad deal really is it?

dinny · 27/08/2006 07:35

do ashtanga yoga - it's the biz for tums

MoreTeaAnyone · 26/08/2006 20:07

I've had two sections i don't think I'll ever fey rid of my belly fold.

mum2monkeys · 26/08/2006 20:06

MP, what do you do for your hips? My tum looks ok until I bend over then gravity takes over

morningpaper · 26/08/2006 19:15

I look ok in clothes

but when I take them off I do feel quite miserable

wheelsonthebus · 26/08/2006 19:08

but you must look good in clothes (and fine without of course); i still look lardy and i want to look sexy

morningpaper · 26/08/2006 19:05

Yes the fat has all gone

But the skins still stretches out about a foot away from my body

wheelsonthebus · 26/08/2006 19:03

morningpaper - i aspire to yr tum! you can only be a size 10.

morningpaper · 26/08/2006 18:59

here's my tum!

I weight less now than I did before my pregnancy, but the wrinkly skin hasn't changed at all. I mentioned it to my physiotherapist (who is a pilates teacher) and she said that there is nothing you can do to reduce it unfortunately.

So - big pants is the answer I think.

wheelsonthebus · 26/08/2006 18:42

aunty mandy - how did you lose 2 stone. am trying but failing; so jelly belly and still size 14. v depressing . once i looked curvy. now i just look square, but determined to get into shape for xmas seasib

all4girlz · 26/08/2006 17:14

depressing I agree with fcc and dress better differently having lost weight and it not going away!!

FluffyCharlotteCorday · 26/08/2006 17:11


I've just accepted it will never go away and dress better.

[let herself go icon]

Auntymandy · 26/08/2006 17:08

I have just lost almost 2 stone ans still have a jelly belly. Put it down to 5 babies and the last two were biggies. just discovered avon lift and tuck or something...going to invest once i can afford it!

DetentionGrrrl · 26/08/2006 17:04

I had my baby in June, and i've lost loads of weight through b/feeding but have a wrinkly tummy too. I'm optimistic that plenty of exercise will help tone it up- luckily my fella loves spending time with our son, giving me a chance to get my ass in shape. Just need a decent sports bra now though- knockers are still enormous!

wrinklytum · 25/08/2006 19:12

Hmm I think my mn name says it all!!Though got back into size 10 dress the other day....well chuffed!!!

southeastastra · 25/08/2006 17:37

well i've got the belly thing, had it since 2001. i think i need an 18 hour girdle.

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