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General health

Am I struggling to breathe or just convincing myself that I am?

10 replies

TequilaMockinBird · 21/04/2014 21:16

For the last couple of days I've had quite a few episodes where I suddenly think that I'm struggling to breathe. I then have to concentrate hard on my breathing and end up almost having a panic attack because of it.

I don't think that I'm actually struggling for breath, I think it's all in my head. But why? Why am I doing this?

Has anyone experienced similar please? Does this even make sense to anyone? Sad

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TequilaMockinBird · 23/04/2014 16:17

Thanks all, sounds like it probably is anxiety then. I have a very stressful job and my DGM died 2 weeks ago which would explain it.

Still trying to get an appointment with GP though Angry

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TequilaMockinBird · 23/04/2014 16:16

Thanks all, sounds like it probably is anxiety then. I have a very stressful job and my DGM died 2 weeks ago which would explain it.

Still trying to get an appointment with GP though Angry

OP posts:
DaisytheStrange · 22/04/2014 19:14

Yes, I also get this from time to time. In my case it is an anxiety symptom. 'Relaxation' exercises involving focusing on one's breathing make it much worse for me. A few years ago it got totally out of hand - my skin felt intensely tingly, all sight and sound became unbearable - it felt like I was breathing through a drinking straw. I was diagnosed with Panic Disorder/Breathing Pattern Disorder. My advice would be to deal with the anxiety which is the root cause of these symptoms, avoid all breathing exercises like the plague and distract yourself mentally as much as possible as soon as you feel the breathlessness coming on...

Pandsbear · 22/04/2014 18:22

I have had something similar -felt like I couldn't get enough air in my lungs and as if I had a band round my chest. I didn't panic as such I just felt exhausted. Turned out I was anaemic and am currently on those lovely iron tablets.

BigPawsBrown · 22/04/2014 13:00

Sounds like anxiety or air hunger. I'd distract yourself. If it doesn't happen when your mind is on something else it's anxiety.

TequilaMockinBird · 22/04/2014 07:28

Yes, TheOrchardKeeper that's it. I already take beta blockers though for a heart condition.

I will go to the GP but thought I'd see if anyone else had had anything similar rather than scaring myself with Dr Google!

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Monkeyandanimal · 22/04/2014 07:26

Sounds like anxiety. I'd agree, go to your doctor.

EverythingCounts · 22/04/2014 07:25

I am asthmatic and this happens to me sometimes - I get worse because I am thinking about it. Either way I think a trip to the GP is in order.

TheOrchardKeeper · 22/04/2014 07:22

I had it. It was anxiety and eventually started leading to panic attacks.

It felt like I couldn't take a full, deep breath and the more I focussed on it or trid to take a slow deep breath, the worse it got. Beta blockers from the GP helped as it lowers your heart rate a little and stops the panicky, breathlessness that anxiety can cause or at least makes it a little easier short term whilst you try and deal with the cause Thanks

TequilaMockinBird · 22/04/2014 07:20


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