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Im just listing my moans and groans here - what do you think is wrong?

68 replies

andsmile · 21/04/2014 17:34

I would like you to be honest as I have been rumbling along for a while and getting know where.

Out of the following what do you think is of genuine concern (perspective need as I worry) and what would you prioritise (feel overwhelmed like im slowly breaking)

I am overweight - I need to lose three stone. I admit havtn tried that hard, cant seem to get started, but see below;

I am very low on energy, I could easily fall asleep by 1030 but I drink coffee to keep going. By the time my toddler falls asleep I 'over it'. But I dont do as much after school as I used to like taking them swimming (have DS8)

So I feel lazy, its my fault the house is nowhere near as nicely kept. Though I do manage to cook decent meals most nights it can easily desecend to freezer surprise or takeaway because ive lost track of being organised.

I think I have social anxiety thing - Im constantly thinking about stuff. This has put me off making any new friends, or pushing myself forward. It goes against my nature as I am quite chatty.

My monthly pmt the last three consecutive months has been horrible - I feel like I have tonsillitis without the actual swollen throat, though the glands in my neck do swell. I have chilling aches and pains. My mood is very low and reckless.

This last week, to be fair, following driving I have woke up with swollen puffy hands and feet. Prior to this I have had stiff ankles in the am, and itchy hands and feet (more recent) I am terrible in the am.

I feel like im doing the minimum to keep the kids clean, cleanly dressed (though have lowered standards a bit ie wearing things more than once) and well fed.

Together with DH we have went out to park etc, but in the past I have done a lot more during the week i.e. swimming, library, playdates, walks. I dread craft stuff in the house as it is more jobs....

Im a SAHP, DH WOH 12+ per day but helps at weekends and doese bath times and bedtimes during the week sometimes or when he can. I have posted on other thread (just in case by miracle someone remembers me) about being bored and having 'groundhog' dayness. I do study.

I crave my routines, I want will power. I cant seem to claw myself out of this unhealthy hole I am in. I am quite educated in the ways of diet and exercise i.e. I happily eat a lot of veg and I'm a member of a nice gym and know how to go on so to speak.

I feel defunct and a let down to my family.
I have an appointment with GP this week.

Thanks for reading, I just wanted to get it all down. Any thoughts welcome.

OP posts:
andsmile · 25/05/2014 14:21

kew oh that sounds scary. How do you manage your b12 and iron? Are you under GP for these.

Gosh the list for vitamin D goes on. Im sure my face is looking less bloated re not drinking during the week. We have had gin this weekend Wink but less units and calories than normal.

Last summer I had two weeks of horrendous mouth ulcers. I had three on the center of my tounge I could hardly eat without things feeling like hot glass. In the end I went to doctors and he prescribed this huge bottle of stong local anesthic containing mouth wash. It was bliss. I used mouth ulscer pastels (im on these at the moment) and rinsed mouth with water after eating. - I HTH you littleowl

Its ironic littleowl I have two kids who eat and sleep great, br the odd blip they always have so I cant even complain about this. Mind it never ceases to make me groan when DD2 bounces in at anytime between between 6-7. I always feel cheated as we get up for school t 730.

My hip is still very sore and 'goes off' if im balancing on it even briefly. It this is not resolved by the end of half term I shall have to go back about it.

When is your appointment littleowl for vit D and have you started taking it - I wondered if you noticed a slight nausea feeling after about an hour.

Take care all.

OP posts:
littleowl14 · 25/05/2014 06:09

Grin andsmile over Dr Google self diagnosis!
regarding the plantar foot stuff - I've seen that this can be a sign of vit d issues which can resolve if this is tackled.

but yes this is exactly what I've done over vit d - Dr Google - yes lots of mouth ulcers over the winter, constant illness and brain fog but thyroid well managed. ok so I've also had lots of sleepless nights due to a frequently poorly teething 1 year old but I was a lot better than any of this in Sept. and had worse nights! (he's been having vit d)

and his sleep is good (except if teething) BUT I get loads of sleep as I just go to bed around 8 or 9 and snuggle with him all night. (Dr tried to blame this) however I've frequently been kept awake in the night with pain in hands, popping paracetamol and ibu, and sometimes only taking the edge off. I am suspecting that I may have had a mild bruised bone in December it was that bad. but I just wore a hand support and carried on. (I've done martial arts for 10 years and am usually pretty used to injuries! but this is different)

I may ask if parathyriodism is a risk for me though I think the vit d score would have been lower? just as certainly my thyroid has been kaput since I was 21!

wafflyversatile · 24/05/2014 22:42

Oh, I nc'd. Sorry for any confusion. Grin

wafflyversatile · 24/05/2014 22:41

Ive looked at that billy I dont think it is as I have no pain and it is definitely 'inside' ankles - just plain old stiff.Could I have it without the pain in heel or bottom of foot?

It's how it first manifested itself with me. Those first few steps out of bed. I ignored it for ages 'ooh, my feet/ankles got old'. but it got worse and the heel pain came later. I just thought I'd mention it as a possible but if it doesn't fit, it doesn't fit. I went from wearing heels most of the time to flats. Wearing heels shortens the calf muscle and achilles tendon which results in the heel pad getting pulled on and inflamed when one swaps to flats like I did.

Kewcumber · 24/05/2014 21:17

Oh and plenty of people with no weight problem have sleep apnoea

Kewcumber · 24/05/2014 21:16

It all started with a much more serious autoimmune condition which was life threatening and had to be Treated with very high dose steroids. That caused huge weight gain particularly around my neck which resulted in the sleep apnoea,which was treated with cpap.

Since losing some of the weight I'm off cpap so things have already improved a lot.

I'm stuck with the iron and b12 and d deficiency but really it could have been a great deal worse so can't complain

andsmile · 24/05/2014 17:55

Thanks for the extra info. A lot comes back to weight doesn't it.

I think I might try and record myself see if I have the pauses.

You sound like you've been through it kew did you goto to a sleep clinic? What treatment did you have. I hope you are able to rebuild your life. Flowers

OP posts:
Kewcumber · 24/05/2014 17:23

Oh and if it encourages you to take it to the GP then sleep apnoea can contribute to wieght gain!

Kewcumber · 24/05/2014 17:21
Kewcumber · 24/05/2014 17:19

Major signs and symptoms of sleep apnea
If pauses occur while you snore, and if choking or gasping follow the pauses, these are major signs that you have sleep apnea.

Another common sign of sleep apnea is fighting sleepiness during the day, at work, or while driving. You may find yourself rapidly falling asleep during the quiet moments of the day when you're not active. Even if you don't have daytime sleepiness, talk with your doctor if you have problems breathing during sleep.

Other common signs and symptoms of sleep apnea
Morning headaches
Memory or learning problems and not being able to concentrate
Feeling irritable, depressed, or having mood swings or personality changes
Waking up frequently to urinate
Dry mouth or sore throat when you wake up

Kewcumber · 24/05/2014 17:19

If you can be heard from another room then there is a chance it is sleep apnoea. It decimated my life and lost me a job. There is an Epworth sleepiness questionnaire you can fill in and take to your GP and you should be referred to a sleep clinic if you have all the symptoms.

If you have sleep apnoea you must get it treated. Beleive me I was diagnose with low iron, low B12 and had them treated and I still didn't feel better until a smart registrar treating the iron deficiency said "I don't think falling asleep at the wheel of a car is a symptom of anaemia" and took and arterial blood sample which showed my oxygen levels were low (due to lack of breathing at night!)

andsmile · 24/05/2014 17:11

omg I have everything but chicken pox! Grin

I shall plod on, keep making healthy choices.

OP posts:
andsmile · 24/05/2014 17:08

Yes I do loudly Kew Sad sometimes my DH wakes me up, sometimes he sleeps downstairs and he can still hear me. My nose is alwys stuffy on a morning sorry to say but I have to pick it clear Blush

I grind my teeth too this has caused misalignment and ground off enamel.

Ive had a couple of B12 injections when it has been low but just not given regular. My B12 is 172 at last test. I do not have the intrinsic factor that allows absrobtion acrs the gut wall. GP said to take supplements as some will still get through? I have read also it canbe low if B12 is not 'active'

I pestered them like mad when pregnant to monitor b12. the hospital called me in and I had a shot of b12 in later pregnancy.

OP posts:
Kewcumber · 24/05/2014 16:30

I have autoimmune malabsorption problems so have B12 injections, Iron infudions annualy and take a high Vit D suppliment (started with injections)

I do get tired when my ferritin is low before I become anaemic.

But just a quick question - I know you are a bit overweight but do you snore. Because some of your symptoms are also indicative of Sleep Apnoea. I thought I was depressed but turned out that I had obstructive sleep apnoea.

andsmile · 24/05/2014 16:21

Ive looked at that billy I dont think it is as I have no pain and it is definitely 'inside' ankles - just plain old stiff.Could I have it without the pain in heel or bottom of foot?

This getting older is a real nonsense. (40 next year)

OP posts:
andsmile · 24/05/2014 16:16

Thanks billybanter

I just got my last set of test results back yesterday. I forgot to post them:

Kidney function is slightly impaired - this is what is said on print out. The number are complicated, but no action required.
Rheumtoid factor - normal
Coeliac antibodies - none

So Vitamin D tablets and healthier choices for me.

OP posts:
BillyBanter · 24/05/2014 15:42

Not sure they can be explained by what the tests have flagged up so I'll just suggest having a look at plantar fasciitis as a possible explanation for the stiff morning ankles.

andsmile · 24/05/2014 15:25


Oh you are goinf through a tough time. It's bad enough feeling guilty pulling yourself through a day when poorly but not 'ill' IYKWIM without people being on your back about it. Rules and rules, number etc

I must point out 'my latest' diagnosis was me and my speculation via Dr Google and hours on health forums. Sorry if it read misleading.

Have you looked at the list of symptons for Vitam D deficiency? Vit D helps you abrob calcium, so if this has not been happening then your joints would be sore and achey. It is also associated with muscle weakness, poor concentration, anxiety, mouth ulcers (I have a fresh crop on one side of mouth).

I am pleased you are going to go back with you print out. I have been taking Vitamin C and Zinc, B Complex. No alcohol all week (until last night) and cut down sugar a lot (just jam on toast not piles of chocolate and cakes) I feel a little better. I feel less burdend for knowing what is wrong and pleased im now able to get on with sorting myself out. I still need to trim diet back a good bit. I think I am going to use NHS calorie guidelines.

I was out for 6 hours yesterday with the children. I wasnt too bad at the end of it or today. I am trying to be mindful of being positive.

I hope you dont have to wait long for your appointment littleowl. Make sure you have a copy of the sickness and absence policy. A previous school I worked in tried to pull me up for the humber of days and when i took it along I was less than their printed policy. (he got called all sorts of arses!)

OP posts:
littleowl14 · 24/05/2014 07:55

hi andsmile!

sorry for the absence! hard week a work and mumsnet app not working.

I'm so glad you've been diagnosed. both of those things are pretty major in terms of making you feel crap. is it primary or secondary parathyriodism? go easy on yourself though as it'll take a while for your body to recover.

well I've been a bit upset. the receptionist read out the vit d as low but the Dr said fine at 60. all other tests fine (pleased) but I was down about this as I know something isn't right in my joints. and I've been soooo poorly all winter. but the main issue is work questioning absence (all physical illnesses eg chest infections, not just virus) and also work being so physically painful on my hands and back. (sen children).

HOWEVER when I've looked at that result, according to the rest of the world it would be insufficient or even deficient.

it's 60 nmol/l. which is 24 ng/mol, which is apparently low.

I'm going to ask fir a print out and then see my usual Dr to talk about the pain. and self medicate with vit d. I've done some calculations from the vit d council website about how much to take.

feel happier re work since a colleague described a similar situation last year though.

andsmile · 21/05/2014 20:18

Hello just thought I'd post my positive update AKA my little plan as it is. I hit a bit if a low yesterday so I have been resourceful today:

Bought some summer nail varnish to cheer myself up.
Bought two new tops - well if I have to be fat I might as well look as best as I can and feel comfortable until I get rid of it.
Read information on NHS website inc calculating BMI - bit of a shocker
Shopped for healthy food
Avoided my usual indulgences and been mindful of how much I was eating - no extra rounds of jammy toast for me today.
Bought the vitamin supplements B complex, Vit C and Zinc to go with my Vit D!

Im feeling less resigned with the need to make serious changes to diet and more 'on board' with it. I felt so old/ill yesterday after doing so much on Monday, like an old women. I want to not feel like that.

I need to lose over 3 stone. Im worried about my saggy low lying belly - it can only get worse, I mean will I have to tuck it up into my kickers. I guess its better than staying this size and weight.

My latest diagnosis is I have a parathyroid problem and chrons or coeliac disease. or it might be that if i lose weight cut out alcohol my body might respond well to a better diet and at some point some exercise.

OP posts:
andsmile · 20/05/2014 16:10

How has it gone littleowl?

Thanks denial I have read that somewhere, its very important.

I feel dreadful today, aches and soreness, nausea and a IBS flare up. So now Im totally drained. But Im pleased I got out of the house and took DD to library.

OP posts:
littleowl14 · 20/05/2014 12:34

hi op, hope all is well?

seeing Dr today Confused


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littleowl14 · 16/05/2014 17:40

I'm not surprised you feel weepy. a mixture of relief and frustration I imagine. I think it's really easy to assume you're just useless when you feel like that and that it's normal as it comes on so subtly and you just carry on - you're not obviously ill just struggling. so you carry on struggling and cutting back on things which impede your energy levels. and then you start feeling cut off and lonely as well as useless and lazy. it's just horrid! honestly, so many people experience this, and carry on struggling and getting lower and lower. big hugs, hopefully a year from now you'll feel a lot better! Brew Thanks Wine

littleowl14 · 16/05/2014 17:33

it does sound like it. and yes I've been told that there can be links between coeliac and thyroid too, by a consultant giving a talk about thyroid (not in an appointment) I never get ibs though so I doubt it in my case! I notice a direct correlation to thyroid and getting bunged up or not!

looking forward to chatting to Dr on tues

Im really glad they are taking the investigations seriously for you and hopefully you will get sorted out soon.

thyroid stuff is really hard to get your head around. they worry about giving thyroxine unnecessarily as they panic that it 'surpresses' the body's own system. also, you get your prescriptions free.

denialandpanic · 16/05/2014 17:11

don't stop taking gluten before the test.if anything eat more.this is really important.

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