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Juice plus (not promoting)

3 replies

lulublu1981 · 01/04/2014 08:45

I wrote a chat before but I got told off for sounding like I was promoting . So I apologise
My really aim was just to tell you guys that I had tried and tested etc juice plus and it worked for me. This is from someone who has struggled for ages now to lose weight And I more just wanted to give hope to others. I honestly don't care as much for promoting it but as I had thyroid issues I could not lose a pound and got very excited about finally losing some inches. 17 pounds so far in 5 weeks. So sorry if offended anyone xx

OP posts:
specialsubject · 29/07/2014 16:56

good for you. Obviously a greatly reduced calorie intake will result in weight loss, even with the problems caused by thyroid trouble.

hope you feel better soon. And enjoy real food too!

PumpkinsMummy · 29/07/2014 13:59

well done that's great!

Beebopaloolah · 29/07/2014 12:53


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