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19 year old student with full statements entitled to befifits or free dental care

2 replies

Timeformeatlast · 09/10/2013 16:36

Not sure if im in the right place, after some advice or direction really, I have a 19 year old whom has had a full Statement since early years, he is now at college doing a level 1 course, we do not receive any benefits, and our household income is approx £40,000 a year.. Does anyone know if he would be able to claim anything???

OP posts:
Timeformeatlast · 09/10/2013 17:20

I shall try tomorrow, many thanks

OP posts:
Matildathecat · 09/10/2013 16:44

Have you checked this?

I also found the people on the benefit advice line vey helpful when I called re ESA.

As he is an adult I would assume that your income should not be counted, but may be wrong. Otherwise does he have a Social Worker or support to advise? Have friends who have claimed DLA for children and if you do fill in the forms you do have to paint a really bleak picture of your child's difficulties which is hard. CAB will help.

Good luck.

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