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General health

Banged head, still sore four weeks on. Normal?

2 replies

AnaisHendricks · 08/10/2013 18:56

I had a bump but no bleeding or sign of concussion and it still smarts when I shower or lay down at night. I've seen the GP but it's not better within the time-scale of days she gave me for it to go away.

Should I go back, do you think?

Thanks in advance.

OP posts:
AnaisHendricks · 09/10/2013 00:36

Sorry to hear about your Mum, frazzled Sad

Thank you for your reply.

OP posts:
frazzledbutcalm · 08/10/2013 22:46

My mum had a nasty knock on the head. Like your, no bleeding or concussion, but a nasty knock. It took a lot of MONTHS for everything to be back to normal ........ Sad

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