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flu jab yesterday now feel like crap :(

32 replies

OhWhatAPalaver · 08/10/2013 08:32

Has anyone else had their flu jab yet? I just had mine yesterday and now I feel really achey, feel like all my glands are up, am bunged up and had a rather urgent trip to the loo :( also wierdly feel like some one has punched me in the left side of my face (had jab in left arm and that is also v sore!) Is this normal? I had them in previous years and been fine!

OP posts:
PipkinsPal · 13/10/2013 08:47

I had mine on Wednesday and I feel fine. My arm wasn't sore at all. I only have it because I work in a Doctor's surgery and the Nurse is really gentle. I didn't even feel a prick Grin

candycoatedwaterdrops · 13/10/2013 11:25

I had mine yesterday and I feel as ill as I do normally, so no change! I did have a reaction, so have taken an antihistamine.

candycoatedwaterdrops · 13/10/2013 11:25

*a site reaction

wetaugust · 13/10/2013 11:34

I didn't feel the prick either - at the time. The aftermath has been horrendous.

Seems you've had a bad reaction too eatyourveg

eatyourveg · 16/10/2013 13:11

My arm is still hurting if I lie on my side in bed. This is the 5th day!

wetaugust · 16/10/2013 16:44

So's mine - Day 10! I don't think this course of ABs is going to clear up the infection

bigbluebus · 16/10/2013 19:13

I had mine at end of Sept and apart from my arm being a little tender at the injection site, I have had no adverse effects. This is the 1st time I have had the flu jab. DD had hers at the same time and has also been fine. She has the jab every year and has never had a reaction.

I don't normally bother (as I am fit and healthy) because it only protects against one strain of flu anyway, so may not stop you getting flu plus I am a carer and having flu would be the only chance I would ever get to have a week in bed but GP/Practice nurse are always on at me to have it because I am DDs main carer.

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