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Period pain much worse now im 40.

7 replies

Darkesteyes · 30/08/2013 02:03

Has anyone else experienced this getting worse as theyve got older.
It used to be pretty bad when i was a teenager but this is even worse. Just wondering if anyone else is going through this. (i hope not obvs)

OP posts:
NorbertDentressangle · 31/08/2013 17:53

I don't get it every time but sometimes I get really bad pain/aches right into my back for a day or two. I never used to have any pain when I was younger (I'm mid 40s)

itinerant · 31/08/2013 17:50

I sympathise. Mine have been getting progressively more painful the last two years and here I am at 43 in bed with a hot water bottle for the first time since I was 16 Hmm

Darkesteyes · 31/08/2013 17:44

So sorry to hear others are going through this. Im getting shorter cycles too (23 days sometimes) I dont like to take painkillers but i have to now At 7 am on Thursday morning had to take that Nurofen thats specifically for period pain (£4.09 a box but i found that Tesco does their ibuprofen for £1.60 so hoping that will work just as well.
loopy im sorry its affecting yr work. Shit timing now yr youngest is old enough. What a PITA ....literally .

OP posts:
Sophiedotty · 31/08/2013 16:09

I am 43 & my cycles have changed.,I was getting shorter cycles 25-27 days. I just had a 31 day cycle & had pains. I don't usually suffer but actually had to take painkillers this month.

loopyloou · 31/08/2013 11:54

I'm 49 and over the past year the pain has become unbearable. I never had cramps before, just a little discomfort. I have read quite a bit online and it seems periods do tend to get heavier and more painful for quite a lot of women as they get older.

I can't wait for the menopause! The pain is starting to interfere with my work, just when I was hoping to increase my hours as my youngest is old enough to come home from school alone.

Darkesteyes · 31/08/2013 01:25

Thanks scaevola Thanks Sorry took so long to reply I completely forgot id posted in here.

OP posts:
scaevola · 30/08/2013 02:12

Have you been to see the GP?

Adenomyosis becomes more common as you get older, and is definitely a cause of painful periods.

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