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Bite with black scab

7 replies

PenguinBear · 22/08/2013 15:23

DP got bitten about 10 days ago. he didn't feel it at the time, I noticed it. A few hours later it was a bit swollen and started to itch, we covered in Anthisan.

He hasn't complained until today when he thought he'd been bitten again as it was hurting.

It's a little pink round the edge, (not swollen) but has a black spot/scab on it. I've never seen a black scab before, is this normal? I think because it's on he back of his thigh he's feeling it a lot when he moves.

We have no idea what bit him.

Pics on my twitter @penguinbear2013

(no idea how to link)

OP posts:
digerd · 22/08/2013 15:43

I had one on my ankle last year which swelled and spread to my knee. GP said cellulitis - an infection and allergic reaction. Put on a course of ABs and antihistamine tablets for a week.
The bite site did scab over later and after it dropped off I saw 2 fang hole marks Shock.

Despite wearing socks this year, I was bitten on the inside ankle bone last evening and it has swollen and is 'driving me mad' itchy, hot and red.

Your son's will be on the mend now. Just off to have another swig or two of Piriton, which did help in bed last night.

PenguinBear · 22/08/2013 15:38

Yeah it's day 10. Neither DP or I have ever seen a blackout with a black scab before Blush So didn't know if it was normal.

As an aside, I am not sure itself it's a scab as it is not above the skin, more in it. If you run your finger over you
Don't feel a scab if you see what Mean.

OP posts:
MarjorieAntrobus · 22/08/2013 15:35

Is it the photo labelled Day 10? That just looks like a bite healing up nicely. Tiny little black scab. It'll fall off soon I think.

Obviously don't just believe me if you are worried, but it looks pretty normal from the photo to me.

PenguinBear · 22/08/2013 15:33

It's not red like it was IMO (see what you think in pics) and its not hot. Hurts intermittently!

OP posts:
PenguinBear · 22/08/2013 15:31

Were you able to look at the pictures?

OP posts:
valiumredhead · 22/08/2013 15:29

Scabs can be black. Does it hurt, is it angry, hot, red?

WafflyVersatile · 22/08/2013 15:27

I'd get it checked out.

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