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General health


5 replies

Marne · 22/08/2013 13:16

I have a patch of dry skin on my leg, didn't think much of it as I often get dry skin patches but have just noticed a patch on dd1 ( the same place as mine, both are ring like and scaly. Does it sound like ringworm?

OP posts:
saulaboutme · 23/08/2013 02:02

You need a treatment or it will spread.

Over the counter or gp will help.

QuiteOldGal · 22/08/2013 19:34

Is it like a ring with a clearer patch in the centre

i had that and put some anti fungal stuff on it like you use for athletes foot and it cleared up or if you go to the GP he will just give you a prescription for something similar. i don't think it clears up on its own and may spread to more patches.

Marne · 22/08/2013 19:09

Doesn't burn, just slightly itchy. Not sure if it is ringworm tbh, i'm going to keep an eye on it, if it is ringworm it will get bigger wont it?

OP posts:
Gunznroses · 22/08/2013 14:17

Is it itchy and does it burn a bit ?

cerealqueen · 22/08/2013 13:51

Might well be - clear nail varnish starves the fungus, tea tree oil also works well.

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