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General health

a long shot , anyone had EMDR therapy?

5 replies

melsy · 12/06/2006 09:20

I have been offered this on NHS for previous trauma disorder related to dd's birth nearly 3yrsa go and have until tommorow to decide wether to sign consent or try somethng else, as 10wks away from the birth of my next child and may be too emotional, although have been told there are no contraindications in pregnancy. Im having bouts of distress , as having to discuss everything again, for therapist to build history and look at any related pre cursors to what happened. I also repeating quite a lot with a midiwfe who looks after vulnrable mums at the hospital Im booked into.

Although developed in 1987 , it seems its only now becoming more mainstream. I have a couple of threads on it in pregnancy, as I dont have many people to talk about it with as it seems unknown.I am suffering great anxiety and my stomachs been churning all morning.

OP posts:
melsy · 13/06/2006 12:01


OP posts:
melsy · 12/06/2006 13:06

thats ok hun , its a bit unusual !!

I should have started my 2nd sentance on another line , so as not to make seem directed at you. The heats making me feel a bit woozy so not thinking.

OP posts:
zippitippitoes · 12/06/2006 13:02

I don't actually know what it is so can't say anything really...I hope someone has something more helpful to say

melsy · 12/06/2006 12:59

Thank you zippi , that is very thoughtful. I just cant seem to make a decision. I think its because Im unsure if therapist will be available by telephone in between sessions if I end up really wobbly. I should really see if I can get hold of her today.

OP posts:
zippitippitoes · 12/06/2006 11:17

I can't help just bumping this for you in case any can..good luck Smile

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